What I hope mother would do when she relize what she has done to her child. |
Thanks to the stravation mother made David suffer, he often stealed. Before class started he would finish his chores, run as fast as he could to the nearest store, and he would steal whatever was at hand. Sometimes, he decided that he would arrive at school extra early and he would steal from the truck that provided food for the school. He once stole a frozen hotdog, David without a doubt ate it with a sudden gulp. For a couple of days his plan worked until mother found out...... She forced him to throw up whatever was on his little stomach and she made him eat it again. All this happened when father was at home. Days passed away nad mother decided that David didn't have the priviledge to sleep uptairs anymore, she made him sleep in the garage where everythingwas dark and lonely. By this time mother didn't fed David so ge got the idea of asking a lady to make him a lunchbox. When this happened and mother found out she would make him swallow ammomia. Anyway, by this time also mother was getting kind of crazy. She threaten David with a knife because she wanted him to clean the dishes in 20min or else, mother would kill him! Mother kind of tripped and she stabbed him! She stabbed him! it was an accident though.When mother was gone David told father what had happened. David now had 30min to clean the dishes.
"Even though Mother caught me in most of my attempts to feed myself, she could't catch me all the time. Aftermonths of being confined for hours at a time in the garage, my courage took over and I stole bits of frozen food from the garage freezer. I was fully aware that I could pay for my crime ata any timw, so I ate every morsel as if it was my last meal." (78)
I am aware that mother never feds David, but why should she had to treat him like that? She just increased a level of insaness. That isn't bearable anymore! David has to alert the police, a teacher, a friend about what is going on here. He might not be aware of this but, mother and his threatens can get to a very dangerous point in which his life could be dangeroud. He could get literaly killed.
"It was just a metter of time. I felt a curious sense of relief. I knew in my heart it was over. This whole charade of living like a slave had come to an end. Even Mother could not lie this one. I felt the accident set me free." (88)
There wasn't a slight sign of remore in mother's eyes, she just stood up and said to David that he now had 30 min to clean the dishes. HOW DARE SHE? He is a human being not a puppet. She at least could've taken him to an hospital where he would be in good hands. She stabbed him, stabbed him! That torment should've followed her until the rest of her days but she decided to just play it cool. I can't belive how heartless Mother is. Father is also very insensitive. David told him about what happened and he didn't care a bit.
Final Thoughts
I find it very interesting how David chooses to expres himself, it actually catches the reader attention even more. I have a lot of questions that are yet not answered, but I hope they soon will. Along these next few pages I have learn that hope can have two sides. It can give you something to believe in, and it can destroy you completely. In this case David thought that mother was finally giving up and this whole "charade" would come to an end. Eventually, when mother opened her mouth just to add 10 more min to his labour hours it destroyed him. He realized that it was only the beggining, it might never end, I asume he thinks that it is useless to think about his future if he has a very little chance to actually have one.... There is no more time to regret things, he has to tell someone!