Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Same Old, Same Old


What I think Edward was trying to do to not be jelaous.
After Jacob arrived to Bella's party he gave her a bracelet with a wooden-carved werewolf. After Jacob's pack heard about Victoria they wanted to help but Bella wasn't too exited about this idea, she was already putting at risk the Cullens. Jasper accepted to teach the  werewolves and his family how to fight agaisnt the newborns. Days went by and the day of the practice arrived. After the practice finalized they all were strugging because they didn't knwe where to hide Bella while they fought with Victoria's army. After some arguments they all acceptd the idea of hiding Bella in the mountains. After a few days Bella stayed at Edward's house because the res of them went hiking. In there they talked about they're conditions and Edward proposed to her! Finally the day arrived and it was time for Jacob to bring Bella to the mountains. At night it was freezing cold so Jacob slept next to Bella to warm her....Edward was jealous.

Some Secrets...

"Three bad things have happened since you came back."
In my opinion I think that Bella may have been having her regrets. I mean she loves Edward with her heart ans soul but like she said everything bad happens when Edward is with Bella. Maybe this is some kind of sign that tells Edward and bella that the best should be if they just break up. I just hope that everything turns out just right because I think they make a great couple.

"'Okay, look Edward,'I whispered. 'Here's the thing... I;ve already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are. And I can't stand it if you leave me again.'"
I think that Bella is more focused in this relationship than Edward because he did leave her and didn't even called to know if she was even alive. Although Edward proposed to her so that makes it confusing.

Final Thoughts

I liked this few pages because I got to know the real personalities of the characters. I realized that some of them are very jelous and don't know how to be sutil about it. I'm reaching the end of th book and I really am looking forward to read it. I hope it ends with a happy ending and that bella and Edward do get married someday.

The Army


My reaction when I read the part in which Jacob kissed Bella
Alice is having a graduation party but Bella is not comfortable with that idea. Edward and Bella are arguing a lot because he thinks she isn´t ready to be a vampire yet, and also he thinks it would be selfish to turn Bella just for he fact that she can stay with him for eternity. Bella finally confessed why she doesn´t want to get marry at 18 but she knows that marriage is Edward´s condition of transforming her himself. Moving on, Jasper told his story to Bella and  Bella realized there is an army of newborns because she remembered that Laurent visited her days before, and that is when they all remembered that Laurent was living with their cousins in Dali. After Jasper agreed to help them defeat the newborns, Bella visited Jacob and invited him to the graduation party. After a long talk he confessed his feelings for Bella, then he kissed her and she broke her hand trying to punch him. Days passed and Bella graduated at last, they all went to the party, Bella thought she had uninvited Jacob to the party until he showed up.

Some Secrets...

"He shook his head slowly. ´For me to allow this- to let you become what I am just so that I´ll never have to lose you- is the most selfish act I can imagine´"(273)
When I read this but remembered what Edward did.
Edward do have feelings! After all he have done he doesn´t want to make Bella´s dream come true, which is to stay with him all eternity. OK, he might be right in the fact hat she might have regrets but they are meant to be together and that should be enough for him. I do think it is sweet that Edward wants to be with her forever and don´t want to loose her....again....

"We will take care of the problem, And I will take care of you"(271)   
Now i´m convinces that Edward truly loves Bella, Even if he did bad stuff in the fast he at least tried to fix it.. Even though, Edward wants to fix every single problem in the world he need to just chill and take one step at a time otherwise it´ll be all a huge caos. 

Final Thoughts                

I liked this few pages so far because Bella gradated, Jacob kissed Bella, and they found out Victoria is after her... Bella is kind of in a zone because Edward told her that he wanted o marry her, but she doesn´t want because sh does care about what others will say. She has feeling for Jacob but not as strong as she has for Edward, even though he already kissed her. I hope that Bella do marry Edward because they are meant to be together. I also hope that the end turns out just right.