Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Inside Out


When I finished the book
I have finally reached the end of the book and it was delightful. The Cullen's finally confronted Victoria and his army directed by Riley Biers. Edward takes on Victoria and Seth (the newest member of Jacob´s pack) takes on Riley, It was a close fight but at the ens Seth and Edward prevail by working as a team. After that the Volturi showed up at the scene of battle shocked about the fact that the Cullen´s took care about all of it. Hours later Bella went to to visit Jacob at his house because he was wounded in battle. In there he confess that even though she might be a "bloodsucker" pretty soon he is still going to love her. After some ups and downs in Edward and Bella´s relationship she is not scared anymore at the idea of getting married.

Some Secrets...

My reaction when I read how Edward defended his position
"Do you really think I would hurt her that way?"(498)
I like the way in which Edward defends his position as a boyfriend. This quote reminds me that you should be grateful of the people that care about you. Feelings guide our actions and decisions and sometimes can be the key factor of something grate/bad. Like the phrase says "Don´t do to others what you don´t want to yourself". The way we treat people is the way people are going to treat us.

When I realized how much Edward cares about Bella
"But you left  because you didn´t want to make her a bloodsucker. You want her to be human."(500)
  Edward is trying so hard to protect Bella even if it means to leave her. He doesn´t want her to suffer nor feel lonely just like he did. This shows us that Edward is a very helpful person, he always thinks about others before himself. He puts others needs first,

Final Thoughts

I finally reached the end of the book and I loved it! During these blogs I realized that these book teached me a lot of life messages. One of the most strong messages that I received is appreciate the time you have with loved ones because they would not be there forever.This book was an excellent example of how good can people become. This book was very entertaining and I highly recommend it to all people, I have learned a lot and as I predicted in other book series it ended with a happy ending.