Thursday, October 27, 2016

"It Wasn't a Date It Was A Nightmare"


Kerry found the truth about Donald and it turns out that he tried to kill him. Lt. Hart told Kerry to stay in the house but Mandy managed to convince him otherwise. They went to a cabin were they were "supposed" to be safer but actually Kerry was in more danger. Mandy was the one that called Kerry threatening him and she tried to kill him. Thankfully, Donald appeared and saved the day! and he explained to Kerry that Mandy's real name was Nancy... and that he met her at the mental hospital.

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"He was nothing, nothing but a howl, a terrified, agonized howl"(188)
I can see that he is suffering not only from the pain but also for the lies he felt for. After the rough year Kerry's been through nobody would've expected that Mandy...I mean Nancy were to put up such a faรงade. Specially on someone so innocent as Kerry, he didn't deserve this.

"Then there had been that odd, pleased smile, so out of place, so mysterious, that smile he had caught on her face the night he regained his memory"(169).
Everything was just so mysterious, so peculiar. Kerry might've perceived something wrong during the past few days he have been with Mandy but it have never crossed his mind that she was the responsible of all the terrifying nights, all the threatening calls, all the hope she had planted inside Kerry.

Final Thoughts

I honestly can't believe that it was all just a lie and the worst part is that Kerry fell for it. Who would've imagined that someone would be sick enough to play with someone's emotions in such a way! I loved this book so much, it was really entertaining and different. I've never read a story with such a raw ending but I was hooked onto it throughout the mysterious tale. I really wanted this book to end in a happy ending but R.L Stine is known for giving people goosebumps so who knows...what will happen next.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Almost There!


Kerry got a call, the same threatening call but this time he realized it wasn't who he thought it was. He had bumbed into Margo and she told him that she didn't knew any Mandy and she didn't set him up with her either. Ring! another phone call but this time it was Donald... Later when Kerry was hanging out with Mandy she told him that someone was following her and she believed it was Donald. They got into a car crash and he revived the accident he had with Amanda and Donald. 

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"Kerry was relieved that his father had decided to play the role of policeman rather than outraged father"(125).
I can relate to this quote because a lot of times that I have gotten myself into trouble my parents would completely outrage instead to be calm and patient. I can see that Kerry is beggining to have a close and bonding relationship with his father. After all they've been through I can see that Lt. Hart wants to make things right.

"He saw it all. He heard it. He smelled it. Smelled the blood, the burning rubber, smelled the horror"(153).
I can imagine the scenario in which Kerry has gotten himself in. I can imagine myself being in the scene because of the powerful imagery Stine applies in each word he uses. After the past year that Kerry couldn't remeber anything he suddenly has an abrupt flashback that he can even feel, see, smell, and taste what have really happened. Was it his fault?

Final Thoughts

I don't know why I think that the person that has been calling Kerry threatening him is Mandy. She is a very suspicious girl and as Kerry said, "she is rare, she is different". Also, he had his flashback when he was in the car with Mandy and they almost got themselves into a car crash. Was it Mandy's fault? Is Donald dangerous or is he trying to help Kerry? Was Mandy the one that provoked that flashback? I am almost at the end of the story and I can wait to find answers to the questions that are swirling in my head.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gone With The Wind


Lately, Kerry has been dreaming about Donald. They were in a canoe headind to a waterfall. Ring! a phone woke him up. Finally he went back to sleep and dreamed about Mandy. The next morning, Lt. Heart had some bad and worrisome news, he told Kerry that Donad have escaped. He have been protecting Kerry since then. He explained to him that they were in a car crash with Donald, his girlfriend and Kerry. AMANDA which was the name of the girl, died. The next day, the day of the dance Mandy escaped after a vicious kiss and when Kerry wento looking for her he run through the football players. They apologyzed. After the dance kerry and Mandy went to his car but it was completely destroyed.

Secrets In Between The Lines

"Kerry felt wonderful. The sun beat down, making him feel warm and comfortable all over"(82).
When Kerry dreams it is like his way of running away from trouble of any kind. The imagery Stine applies makes me imagine how hard it was for Kerry believe that for all this time, his best friend, his protector was gone. He feels safe in his imagination. However, Why would his dad hid the fact that Donald was alive? Why wouldn't it be "safe" for him to know where his brother was?

"His father's voice floated nearby, then drifed away as Kerry's own thoughts broke into his counciosness"(91).
This tale is full emotion and sacrifice. Lt. Hart has been acting strange lately but it turns out that he was just trying to help and protect his son. Donald has been missing for a year according to Kerry, but just thinking that his brother is still alive, made him remeber how much he has relied on him. How much he had missed him. Did he feel mad/ Dissapointed? Or just relieve?

Final Thoughts

I just can't believe that for all this time his family made him feel all this pain. Why woud Lt. Hart protect Kerry from his own brother? Is he dangerous? I just want to find more answers to the questions that are swirling in my head. I really hope that Mandy won't break Kerry's heart, that she isn't mad at all. Kerry has been through so much which reminds me of Callie of the previous book I was sucked into. I am enthusiastic about the next few pages I will read.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Oh Snap!


Day dreaming about your crush like...
After all this time Kerry took the time to daydream about Amanda all the time. He stood her up, she must have been angry! Somone called him several times but it wasn't her, it kept repeating a strange phrase in a loud and obnoxious way. After a few days, Amanda called Kerry and it ruen out her real name is Mandy... Why does he heard Amanda on the first place? Moving on from the misunderstanding, they set up for another date and after some football players attacked Kerry (before they knew the quarterback got up from his coma), he asked Mandy for the upcoming dance.

Secrets In Between The Lines

"He stared through the housand tiny drops of light, and it all came very clear to him.
He had played the trick on himself"(41).

People keep making him look like a worthless person, like isn't worth it spending time with. Why does everyone treats Kerry like this? Is Mandy really interested in him? Why did she give him a wrong address? She told Kerry that Margo (an old friend of Kerry) was responsible of making the blind date. But based on everything Kerry has been through with Mandy, Should he trust her?

"Realizing that he was being captivated, thet she had managed to to completely win him over with just a few smiles and touches.
Was she doing it delibaretely?"(73).

It looks like Kerry is desperate to being loved, specially of someone special. However, we only know mandy a little bit and she seems kind of stalker. She called him first, gave him a fake address god knows why, and she is playing with Kerry like a feelingless doll. What are Mandy's intentions?

Final Thoughts

This book is so hard to comprehend sometimes because it is all connected meaningfully. You have to read very carefully because there are lots and lots and lots of details that are hidden in between the lines. It might as first sound like a inference or prediction but it sure counts as a fact later on. This book is full of meaningful messages that has kept me precessing at the time just like the strength Kerry posses. I really hope Mandy isn't going to be any kind of macabre issue for depressive Kerry.