Wednesday, July 6, 2016

XOXO Gossip Girl


Callie recounts her experience with Slade and what happened between them and why Katherine had a big role in their break up. When Slade returns with the stuff Callie needed to disguise herself, they realize that the picture of Callie next to the dead body is VIRAL. While they are in the abandoned building they have time to talk, and hey discuse and argue the chances that Dakota has to be the murderer. Callie decides to take a walk and enters a store, in a newspaper in a big headline, she is shocked  because police thinks that "Sex Assault" is the reason of the murder. She goes visit Tallon (one of her friends) but she wouldn't tell anything about Dakota to her, but she gave her a name that was very important in this case "Griffen". After escaping from the police once again, Callie founds Griffen and he gives her valuable information about Dakota.

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"My only chance is to act like I'm just another punk with someplace to go.
It's a good thing they can't hear the thudding of my heart"(67).
Reading this chapter..
I feel pitty for Callie because she has a scary past. Her brother Sebastian is in jail and because of that people don't find it hard to believe that she killed Katherine. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' they are incriminating Callie for a silly misunderstanding, they only have  picture and rumors to "prove" that she is guilty. And in top of that her so called friends and by that I mean "Dakota" she didn't made any effort in helping Callie when She found her. That puts matter into perspective.

"Why did Mia write that she had to meet me face-to-face?(88).
Is it just me or another friend is going to betray poor Callie. Bcause as far as I know Mia is one of Katherine's minions. Or perhaps she actually thinks that Callie doesn't have anything to do with the murder. Although, Mia was one of the "end of the table" girls so perhaps she was the one that killed Katherine for revenge from everything she had done to her. At the end of the day KAtherine wa a pure hipocrite.

Final Thoughts

This book is so far AMAZING. It has a lot of recherche twists that makes you rethink the setting and the purpose. It contains a lot of mistery and suspense at the same time that hooks you to the book in an unpredictable way. Every single ,tiny, little event is so well described that just makes the setting and the story feel REAL. I feel like I am traveling in a world full of intimacy and unsolved enigmas. I just hope that the incrimination won't lead to any further dramatic events.

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