Saturday, September 24, 2016



In this book called "Blind Dtate" by R.L Stine, drama is introduced in a new way. Mainly, the book so far is telling the story of Kerry, a high-school student however he is not an average teenager at all. His brother, Donald, has disappeared, he "accidentaly broke the leg of the leg quarterback and lately a girl (Amanda...maybe)has been calling him. They chatted for a couple of minutes but she was kind of unusual. He asks her out only to find out that the girl in the house on the street she told Kerry to go pick her up is dead...

Secrets In Between The Lines

"Kerry climed the creaky steps quickly in the dark, walked into his small room, ducking his head automatically beneath the low celeing, and flung himself onto the bed with a loud sigh. He planned to lie there for a long while and feel sorry for himself"(14).
I feel sorry for Kerry because everything is happening so fast. Just a couple of months ago his big brother Donald has dissapeared and he doesn't know why. He and his father, L.T Hart, are very reserved they don't share a lot with each other. And on top of that he feels alone. He doesn't have anyone to take too, and this girl.... how can we know she is trustworthy?

"Kerry felt a sudden dizziness. It lasted only a second, just long enough to make him feel evenworse, even more frightened"(40).
Why would someone play such a cruel joke on Kerry? I mean sure he ruined the team by breaking the leg of the quarterback but Was it just payback? Was it Amanda that played him a joke? He has been through a lot. It made him feel even more insecure and traped than ever.

Final Thoughts

This book is so awesome. I've only read the first few pages and I am 100% hooked into it. It is very mysterious which makes the context of the story a little bit tricky to decipher. It contains a lot of foreshadowing which makes the tale more engaging. Everything about it, the characters and the setting is so perfect to the story they are telling. I can't wait to read further into the book and find more clues that are hidden in between the lines.

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