Monday, December 14, 2015

When Help Arrives


By this time, mother went to labor again. She one day called him into her bedroom and she apologyzed, she said that she was very sotty about the things she had done to him. Dave told his mom if it was really over, and she answered that yes. Mother let David eat all he wanted, she let him change his clothes, nut most importantly he was loved. But all lies always come to an end.... It was all a charade! Mother had pretended this whole time because a ladyfrom social services was investigating David and his situation. Somebody who really cared about him must've send the lady to do an investigation. When the lady left, it all went back to reality... Dave didn't had food, he had the bathtub and garden routine and other punishments also. He realized that the dogs had more food than himself so when he had the opportunity he sneaked the leftovers of the dogs into his mouth. It not ends on that also in school he got his beating too bullies punched him and kicked hi as well. Dave became 'rebelious' so get got to the point that he provoked either the bullies or mother so that she would end the suffering. One thing got to another and David's parents separated from each other. Dad didn't take the luxury of taking David with him, he just left him with a person who made a living hell for him until one day.....


"No just God would leave me like this. I beleived that I was alone in my stuggle and that my battle was one of survival.'(131)
He came to belive that there was no God for him. Just to imagine that made me burst into tears, I can see that mother doesn't care about him, she doeasn't care if he was alive or dead. But at least she should've fed him or showed a litle bit of compasion. She only acted all loving when a social services lady came to investigate Dave, herself, and the house. She planned all out only becuase she knew that is she showed only a little bit of regret, Dave would fall into her plan.

"As my brothers wolfed down their hamburgers, without them knowing I clasped my hands together, bent my head down, closed my eyes and prayed with all my heart.'(153)
After returning from the department where father was free from mother, they went to a McDonalds obiously they bought the burgers and on purpose they ate them on the car so that Dave would starve even more. In my opinion that is very childish. He doesn't want to live anymore, he just wants to escape from that prison people call home. He is tired of the beating. Dave said that he hated mother for all she has done to him, he hated his supposed called 'brothers', and he hated his father becuase he helped himslf but he didn't helped the only person that saw him as a hero...

Final Thoughts

Well the book has come to an end. Mother never said sorry to Dave. NEVER!! And when she did she did it becuse it would benefit her. I'm so glad that David made his way out of that madhouse or else.. I can see that David suffered a lot not only about how he narrated the story, it was impacting just seeing the faith in someone or something can burst you into pieces. This was exactly how I didn't wanted the story to end. I wanted mother to rwalize how much damage she hs caused, and that she would've apologyzed in a touching way. I really liked this book, and I think that reading this authors experience  inspired me to chamge things in my life for example PACIENCE. It changes my viewpoint into a whole new level.

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