Thursday, October 27, 2016

"It Wasn't a Date It Was A Nightmare"


Kerry found the truth about Donald and it turns out that he tried to kill him. Lt. Hart told Kerry to stay in the house but Mandy managed to convince him otherwise. They went to a cabin were they were "supposed" to be safer but actually Kerry was in more danger. Mandy was the one that called Kerry threatening him and she tried to kill him. Thankfully, Donald appeared and saved the day! and he explained to Kerry that Mandy's real name was Nancy... and that he met her at the mental hospital.

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"He was nothing, nothing but a howl, a terrified, agonized howl"(188)
I can see that he is suffering not only from the pain but also for the lies he felt for. After the rough year Kerry's been through nobody would've expected that Mandy...I mean Nancy were to put up such a faรงade. Specially on someone so innocent as Kerry, he didn't deserve this.

"Then there had been that odd, pleased smile, so out of place, so mysterious, that smile he had caught on her face the night he regained his memory"(169).
Everything was just so mysterious, so peculiar. Kerry might've perceived something wrong during the past few days he have been with Mandy but it have never crossed his mind that she was the responsible of all the terrifying nights, all the threatening calls, all the hope she had planted inside Kerry.

Final Thoughts

I honestly can't believe that it was all just a lie and the worst part is that Kerry fell for it. Who would've imagined that someone would be sick enough to play with someone's emotions in such a way! I loved this book so much, it was really entertaining and different. I've never read a story with such a raw ending but I was hooked onto it throughout the mysterious tale. I really wanted this book to end in a happy ending but R.L Stine is known for giving people goosebumps so who knows...what will happen next.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Almost There!


Kerry got a call, the same threatening call but this time he realized it wasn't who he thought it was. He had bumbed into Margo and she told him that she didn't knew any Mandy and she didn't set him up with her either. Ring! another phone call but this time it was Donald... Later when Kerry was hanging out with Mandy she told him that someone was following her and she believed it was Donald. They got into a car crash and he revived the accident he had with Amanda and Donald. 

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"Kerry was relieved that his father had decided to play the role of policeman rather than outraged father"(125).
I can relate to this quote because a lot of times that I have gotten myself into trouble my parents would completely outrage instead to be calm and patient. I can see that Kerry is beggining to have a close and bonding relationship with his father. After all they've been through I can see that Lt. Hart wants to make things right.

"He saw it all. He heard it. He smelled it. Smelled the blood, the burning rubber, smelled the horror"(153).
I can imagine the scenario in which Kerry has gotten himself in. I can imagine myself being in the scene because of the powerful imagery Stine applies in each word he uses. After the past year that Kerry couldn't remeber anything he suddenly has an abrupt flashback that he can even feel, see, smell, and taste what have really happened. Was it his fault?

Final Thoughts

I don't know why I think that the person that has been calling Kerry threatening him is Mandy. She is a very suspicious girl and as Kerry said, "she is rare, she is different". Also, he had his flashback when he was in the car with Mandy and they almost got themselves into a car crash. Was it Mandy's fault? Is Donald dangerous or is he trying to help Kerry? Was Mandy the one that provoked that flashback? I am almost at the end of the story and I can wait to find answers to the questions that are swirling in my head.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gone With The Wind


Lately, Kerry has been dreaming about Donald. They were in a canoe headind to a waterfall. Ring! a phone woke him up. Finally he went back to sleep and dreamed about Mandy. The next morning, Lt. Heart had some bad and worrisome news, he told Kerry that Donad have escaped. He have been protecting Kerry since then. He explained to him that they were in a car crash with Donald, his girlfriend and Kerry. AMANDA which was the name of the girl, died. The next day, the day of the dance Mandy escaped after a vicious kiss and when Kerry wento looking for her he run through the football players. They apologyzed. After the dance kerry and Mandy went to his car but it was completely destroyed.

Secrets In Between The Lines

"Kerry felt wonderful. The sun beat down, making him feel warm and comfortable all over"(82).
When Kerry dreams it is like his way of running away from trouble of any kind. The imagery Stine applies makes me imagine how hard it was for Kerry believe that for all this time, his best friend, his protector was gone. He feels safe in his imagination. However, Why would his dad hid the fact that Donald was alive? Why wouldn't it be "safe" for him to know where his brother was?

"His father's voice floated nearby, then drifed away as Kerry's own thoughts broke into his counciosness"(91).
This tale is full emotion and sacrifice. Lt. Hart has been acting strange lately but it turns out that he was just trying to help and protect his son. Donald has been missing for a year according to Kerry, but just thinking that his brother is still alive, made him remeber how much he has relied on him. How much he had missed him. Did he feel mad/ Dissapointed? Or just relieve?

Final Thoughts

I just can't believe that for all this time his family made him feel all this pain. Why woud Lt. Hart protect Kerry from his own brother? Is he dangerous? I just want to find more answers to the questions that are swirling in my head. I really hope that Mandy won't break Kerry's heart, that she isn't mad at all. Kerry has been through so much which reminds me of Callie of the previous book I was sucked into. I am enthusiastic about the next few pages I will read.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Oh Snap!


Day dreaming about your crush like...
After all this time Kerry took the time to daydream about Amanda all the time. He stood her up, she must have been angry! Somone called him several times but it wasn't her, it kept repeating a strange phrase in a loud and obnoxious way. After a few days, Amanda called Kerry and it ruen out her real name is Mandy... Why does he heard Amanda on the first place? Moving on from the misunderstanding, they set up for another date and after some football players attacked Kerry (before they knew the quarterback got up from his coma), he asked Mandy for the upcoming dance.

Secrets In Between The Lines

"He stared through the housand tiny drops of light, and it all came very clear to him.
He had played the trick on himself"(41).

People keep making him look like a worthless person, like isn't worth it spending time with. Why does everyone treats Kerry like this? Is Mandy really interested in him? Why did she give him a wrong address? She told Kerry that Margo (an old friend of Kerry) was responsible of making the blind date. But based on everything Kerry has been through with Mandy, Should he trust her?

"Realizing that he was being captivated, thet she had managed to to completely win him over with just a few smiles and touches.
Was she doing it delibaretely?"(73).

It looks like Kerry is desperate to being loved, specially of someone special. However, we only know mandy a little bit and she seems kind of stalker. She called him first, gave him a fake address god knows why, and she is playing with Kerry like a feelingless doll. What are Mandy's intentions?

Final Thoughts

This book is so hard to comprehend sometimes because it is all connected meaningfully. You have to read very carefully because there are lots and lots and lots of details that are hidden in between the lines. It might as first sound like a inference or prediction but it sure counts as a fact later on. This book is full of meaningful messages that has kept me precessing at the time just like the strength Kerry posses. I really hope Mandy isn't going to be any kind of macabre issue for depressive Kerry.

Saturday, September 24, 2016



In this book called "Blind Dtate" by R.L Stine, drama is introduced in a new way. Mainly, the book so far is telling the story of Kerry, a high-school student however he is not an average teenager at all. His brother, Donald, has disappeared, he "accidentaly broke the leg of the leg quarterback and lately a girl (Amanda...maybe)has been calling him. They chatted for a couple of minutes but she was kind of unusual. He asks her out only to find out that the girl in the house on the street she told Kerry to go pick her up is dead...

Secrets In Between The Lines

"Kerry climed the creaky steps quickly in the dark, walked into his small room, ducking his head automatically beneath the low celeing, and flung himself onto the bed with a loud sigh. He planned to lie there for a long while and feel sorry for himself"(14).
I feel sorry for Kerry because everything is happening so fast. Just a couple of months ago his big brother Donald has dissapeared and he doesn't know why. He and his father, L.T Hart, are very reserved they don't share a lot with each other. And on top of that he feels alone. He doesn't have anyone to take too, and this girl.... how can we know she is trustworthy?

"Kerry felt a sudden dizziness. It lasted only a second, just long enough to make him feel evenworse, even more frightened"(40).
Why would someone play such a cruel joke on Kerry? I mean sure he ruined the team by breaking the leg of the quarterback but Was it just payback? Was it Amanda that played him a joke? He has been through a lot. It made him feel even more insecure and traped than ever.

Final Thoughts

This book is so awesome. I've only read the first few pages and I am 100% hooked into it. It is very mysterious which makes the context of the story a little bit tricky to decipher. It contains a lot of foreshadowing which makes the tale more engaging. Everything about it, the characters and the setting is so perfect to the story they are telling. I can't wait to read further into the book and find more clues that are hidden in between the lines.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

And Now, The End Is Near


Callie and her mom have a talk and Callie is beginning to like the idea of lying in order to be free. After a couple of days Callie was expecting that Salde would visit her, but he never did. Chief Jenkins also talked to Callie, andhe told her that the knife was property of Katherine's house. Finally Callie is free to go, but with 2 conditions. She broke these conditions because she went to look for Slade that have been gone. She found him and spent the night with him, the next morning the police found them. They weren't looking for Callie, they were looking for Slade becasue he was the REAL murderer. Slade gets arrested and Dakota explains what happened between her, Katherine, Callie and Slade.

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"She's right. For the first time in what seems like forever, I have a smile on my face"(234).

Like I said before a lot of times, Callie had a rough past, a rough life. Everyone thought she was the real murderer for all this time. Although, it wouldn't be hard to believe based on everything that happened in her past with Katherine and her other "friends". Callie believe that she is free, phisically, but emotionally I believe she is trapped once again.

"I'm still looking up at Slade. Tears have begun to roll down his cheeks.
And that's how I know it's true"(244).

I don't think it is fair for Callie to suffer so much. Specially from a person that she loves so much! Slade lied to Callie, he even helped her hide from the police but never had the guts to tell her that all this drama was his fault. WHY?!

Final Thoughts

I can't believe I finished the book. It is by far the best book I have read this year. The twist at the end was my favourite part of the book. It is like living in the story. I followed Callie every single step throught her journey and felt the same nerves she perceived. Callie definetely grew up as an adult and she is now more aware of what is happening on her surroundings. It has been without a doubt a journey for me too. I've been into this book sice the very beginning and I can't wait to read the next one from this trilogy. I strongly recommend this book to anyone that loves mystery and obiously DRAMA.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wait... What Just Happened


Callie was at a subway station with 4 other people. It turns out they were there on purpose because of Callie's phone. But wasn't it un-traceable? Once again she is hiding in a van and suddenly she sees a lawyer come out of Mia's house also Griffen and 2 men dressed in black. Perhaps Mia & Griffen have something to do with the crime. After some other encounters, Callie is now determined to talk to Congresswoman Jenkins. After getting some sleep, Callie recounts what Mia said when she confronted Katherine. At last Callie gets to talk to the Congresswoman and she asks her some questions about Slade... She hides again but this time she gets caught by Chief Jenkins. Callie is being questioned and if she "admits" she killed Katherine she could go free...

Secrets In  Between The Lines...

"You'll do it because you have nothing else to lose"(166).
This quote is kinda right in the situation of Callie because her life is basically very complicated. Her brother Sebastian is in jail and everyone thinks her family is weird. Then, Katherine made Callie break up with Slade because she felt like saying it to her. And last but definetely not least, People thinks that Callie is the main reason why Katherine is dead. 

"The thing about how it used to be that kids had to be good at something, but now all you need is to be born rich?"(216).
I could definetely relate to this quote because even there is always thta group of girls or guys that have a big amount of money. The people that have the latest phone, or the clothes that are trending. Even little kids nowadays have more tecnological stuff that we do now. Back in the day, you were popualr if you were a cheerleader or a football player for example. 

Final Thoughts

The book is getting to an end and I am exited and nervous. I really hope that Callie is smart enough so she regrets the offer of "pretending" she is guilty. Now Callie is beginning to trust only in her instinct and not her friends. She saw a lwayer come out of Mia's house and Griffen with two men dressed in black! What does that mean? Are they betraying Callie? HOw do they even know each other? I am expecting that Callie is left free because nobody deserves to be unhappy, specially if you're being incriminated.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What If...


While Callie was talking with Griffen he told her that he received threatening messages saying they wanted to kill him AND Katherine! Since the chief police is Dakota's uncle Callie is starting to believe that he is "protecting" her. People now know how Callie looks like because the police found the bag with her hair in it. For that matter she needs to hide but she doesn't want to. She goes to a soccer game where she can mix with people (THERE WAS SLADE) but the police arrived. She manages to escape and goes to Jerry's house (Sebastian's best frind) because he was a computer wiz. He couldn't recover the deleted Griffen messages but he made her phone untresable. Callie calls Slade and he want t see face-to-face and that makes Callie suspicious. After talking to Slade she remembers that the knife that killed Katherine was the same she saw at Dakota's house. Fair enpugh, Callie confronts Dakota through text messages.

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"'I love you Cal'
'I love you Slade,' I believed it in my head, but it wasn't what I was feeling in my heart"(126)
Katherine is a really big influence inside Callie's mind. Callie always makes me assume that making what other people want just to fit in also known as peer pressure is a bad thing. But she always do was Katherine tell her to do. On the other hand, Slade wanted to see Callie face-to-face and he also told the cops that they talked... Is Slade trying to betray Callie just as everybody else? IS he trying to get revenge?

"'I CAN HELP you get what you want'
'But there's always a catch right? Something I'll have to do for you?'"(140).
Interested people be like...
This is exactly what I meant. There is never going to be one person that offers himself/herself for help without asking for something. This is why I believe that  Dakota and Slade are together behind this because they both are angry for one reason. Slade is "mad" with Callie because she dumped him. And Dakota is "angry" or jelaous of Callie because Katherine was starting to like Callie more than her. Perhaps they both want revenge.

Final Thoughts

Little by little the secets are starting to reveal and I am so exited to finally find out the truth behind this exceptional story. The characters' personality are beginning to rise and expose their true self. Callie is starting to really know her so-called-friends and seeing the with new eyes. She is having her own clues and she is coming to her own conclusions. But she was already incriminated,What if her clues are wrong? What if she ends up incriminating someone else? Going against someone requires courage, power and valuable information.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

XOXO Gossip Girl


Callie recounts her experience with Slade and what happened between them and why Katherine had a big role in their break up. When Slade returns with the stuff Callie needed to disguise herself, they realize that the picture of Callie next to the dead body is VIRAL. While they are in the abandoned building they have time to talk, and hey discuse and argue the chances that Dakota has to be the murderer. Callie decides to take a walk and enters a store, in a newspaper in a big headline, she is shocked  because police thinks that "Sex Assault" is the reason of the murder. She goes visit Tallon (one of her friends) but she wouldn't tell anything about Dakota to her, but she gave her a name that was very important in this case "Griffen". After escaping from the police once again, Callie founds Griffen and he gives her valuable information about Dakota.

Secrets In Between The Lines...

"My only chance is to act like I'm just another punk with someplace to go.
It's a good thing they can't hear the thudding of my heart"(67).
Reading this chapter..
I feel pitty for Callie because she has a scary past. Her brother Sebastian is in jail and because of that people don't find it hard to believe that she killed Katherine. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' they are incriminating Callie for a silly misunderstanding, they only have  picture and rumors to "prove" that she is guilty. And in top of that her so called friends and by that I mean "Dakota" she didn't made any effort in helping Callie when She found her. That puts matter into perspective.

"Why did Mia write that she had to meet me face-to-face?(88).
Is it just me or another friend is going to betray poor Callie. Bcause as far as I know Mia is one of Katherine's minions. Or perhaps she actually thinks that Callie doesn't have anything to do with the murder. Although, Mia was one of the "end of the table" girls so perhaps she was the one that killed Katherine for revenge from everything she had done to her. At the end of the day KAtherine wa a pure hipocrite.

Final Thoughts

This book is so far AMAZING. It has a lot of recherche twists that makes you rethink the setting and the purpose. It contains a lot of mistery and suspense at the same time that hooks you to the book in an unpredictable way. Every single ,tiny, little event is so well described that just makes the setting and the story feel REAL. I feel like I am traveling in a world full of intimacy and unsolved enigmas. I just hope that the incrimination won't lead to any further dramatic events.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Oh Darling


"Blood On My Hands' written by Todd Strasser is an incredible yet misterious engaging book. This story begins in the night in which Callie Carson found Katherine's (a high school "Regina George") DEAD body lying on the ground, with a knife covered completely with blood. Dakota (one of Katherine's minions) found Callie and incriminated her saying she killed her. Everything is just happening so fast, Callie hears the sirens of the cops and she runs to hide in a children's playhouse, there she narrates her story with Katherine and how she made Callie brake up with her boyfriend "Slade". She begins to imagine what will happen when the police arrives and she recounts what happened with her brother Sebastian just a couple years ago. Hours later, Callie called Slade, at first he didn't answered but he ended helping her escape from the reality.

Secrets In Between The Lines..

"Sebastian, made national news by bludgeoning our father nearly to death with a two-by-four, leaving him brain damaged and mute and paralyzed from neck down. What's so hard to believe? Like brother, like sister, right?"(6)
I don't believe it is fair for Callie to still blame herself on things that he didn't even do. Ok maybe her brother was a little clumsy back then but they need to focus on the present not the past. It is funny how people only recognize all the bad things instead of the good deeds people do. Perhaps Callie was a very smart student with a bright future, but she will only be remembered about this only thing. "The Murder Of Katherine".

"Neighbors gossiped. Rumors spread. People around town began to avoid us. Mom sank inward and became depressed and withdrawn.
I ran."(16)
Gossip be like...
In my point of view, "I ran" makes me belive it is Callie's version of escape from reality. Escape from everythings that does her any type of harm. Escape from the people that jusge her and criticize her in any way. People don't actually realize how much harm they are making to people. Just like Katherine, all her life she made fun of people, she didn't care what she did and the consequences seemed preety rough in my opinions. Just like the saying says "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer".

Final Thoughts

This book is the so entertaining and captivating. My mind in 100% into this book as I flip the pages one by one. Just by reading these few pages so much hints and details have been revealed. the foreshadowing is making the story more misterious and creepy. My only thought right now is Why would anyone incriminate Callie? and Why would anyone kill Katheirne in the first place? This questions are haunting me and the only way to find an answer to them in by keep reading. I just hope that the real murderer is revealed, but who knows what will happen...

Saturday, May 7, 2016

It Never Ends


A package arrives and guess from who? DADDY! A play is arriving and Opal is the main character, obviously Garnet is helping with the scenario. A while passed and clumsy Garnet bumped into Nathan Brown but he actually invited her to a baseball game of his. On the way home from school Charlie was talking about how he might die soon, and it actually happened. He died the next day and Garnet was extremely sad. Days later, the play arrived and this time there were not any disruptions. So, they day of this "prestigious" game arrived and Nathan lost and he was mad at Garnet again. When she arrived aunt Julia said that Daddy called and that he will come to pick them up...

Some Secrets In The Lines

"Dreams are funny things. You carry them around for so long they become as much a part of your breath itself."(277)
I relate myself so much in this quote because it have happened to me that dreams haunt you. Specially memories. I like the way in which the author uses similes to express how Garnet felt, It made me perceive and visualize in the situation Garnet was in and how difficult that may have been for her. How much she struggled this year but at last all was back to reality again thanks to Daddy.

"Living with Aunt Julia had taught me that the people who stay are just as important as the ones who go, and that the best home of all is the one you make inside yourself."(287)
This makes me go back and think about some parts not only from the book, but also from my life that i've created my own home. There are always those friends that come and go but only the really special ones stay with you forever. In the book this is refered with family. Everywhere you go, you will always found a special person in this case Aunt Julia that helps you overcome difficult situations.

Final Thoughts

I can't belive i've reached the end of this incredible, AMAZING book full of values and lessons. I never imagines that this book will end up as my favourite one so far. I was so relieved that Daddy at last came to Willow Flats to pick up his "special" gems. I had so much fun not reading this but actually experiencing this engaging story that made me laugh, cry, and made me go crazy atsome point. I extremely recommend this book to anyone because it is and incredible and unpredictable book. The way the author enhances the personality of the characters to perhaps a real case make the book have a further meaning.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

That Was a Close One


Why does mama live in a fancy apartment?
Garnet finally arrived to Nashville only to know that the mama has moved to another fancier apartment. She went to the other apartment and for lord's sake she finally found mama. She look bewildered because she didn't knew what Garnet was doing there. After some explanantions Garnet was upset because it seemed like mama wasn't coming any time soon. While mama was working and Garnet was home alone she had time to think how mama could afford something that nice so she looked and looked and guess what SHE FOUND DADDY'S DISSABILITY MONEY....that was meant for the girls. After some time aunt Julia came to Nashvile to take GArnet home only to find out that this time Opal was missing. After some drama about some boy they found here and took both the girls home. Thay found out that mama sended a card to Charlie saying that she will pay him if he helped Garnet with the rides home from school. She is bewildered.

Some Secrets in the Lines...

"I imagined the ladies' hotel as a place with wide marble staircase, a revolving door, and a bellman to help you carry your stuff.
The reality was something out of a horror movie."(177)
I mean Why did Garnet supposed that mama would be succesful? She didn't sang right and wasn't a patient woman. I think that Garnet was expecting too much from her and the only was she was kind of succesful was when she took all the diability money that was meant for the ones who were really needed it...the girls. She even worked as a waitress and one could infer that a waitress couldn't afford such apartment.

Why this happen?
"Before I knew it, I was bawling like a calf in a hailstorm, and there was nobody there to hear me."(192)
I feel sorry for Garnet. None of this should've been meant or her and Opal. They were supposed to live a happy life and they weren't supposed to be concerned about adults problems. Garnet went to Nasville! Nashville! And she found out that mama was in someway "stealing" the money.

Final Thoughts

This book full of imagination and creativity is almost getting to an end. My mind is 100% into this book and as I continue to read each time more and more, tremendous secrets are revealed. There is so much to explore and so much to learn from this little young girl Garnet. This book touches we can say "fragile" topics that are certainly and issue in real life. For example: kids escaping from home, Mothers that leave their children, the goverment helping families with supplies etc. I really, really, reallty hope that daddy come home soon because with mama they'll die waiting. I just hope that everything specially for Garnet turns out just right.

Friday, April 15, 2016

What a Shame!


In school everyone is making Garnet feel starnge and odd, even Opal. She ven has a new boyfriend while Garnet gets picked at because of mama. Mama sent her two "precious gems" a gift from Nashville, but Opal thought it was way too hideous she made sure Garnet weared it at halloween. She fell in love with Nathan Brown but she is too shy to show it. Currently daddy's pay check hasn't arrived so they are broke and the goverment is helping them out. On halloween day it was show and tell and it was Garnet's turn, but she go so overwhelemd about the shirt she ran out of school and went home. The girls received a letter from daddy saying he'll be in the hospital alittle longer, so Ganret decides to go to Nashiville herself.

Secrets Hidden in The Lines

"I told her she should wear that awful shirt Mama sent"(130)
Why is Opal being so mean?, well it is true she left them i'll be mad too but not in that way. She is being rude and disrespectful and i'm beginning to think she is in a rebelious stage. She is only 15 but that gives her no right to behave the way she is.

"I kept thinking about how Mama had walked all over everyone to get what she wanted"(157)
If Mama is so selfish, Why bother having children? She only thibks of herself she doesn't realize how bad she is causing to the people around her. She doesn't car if she hurts someone on the way, the only thing that matters is that she is ok. I don;t think it is fair for the girls.

Final Thoughts

This was such an exiting chapter, I can't wait to keep reading. I don't know if Garnet os going to find Mama or if she is going to be diappointed or upset when she founds Garnet. What will happen to Opal/ What will happen to aunt Julia? What about daddy? I hope all of my current thoughts someday will solve all of the questions and puzzles this book has created.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Struggle


First Day of school be like...
So the girls are having a hard time because daddy is in the hospotal, he burned himself somewhere in Mexico. Garnet and Opal realized that they were staying there for a lomg while since the very beginning but they didn't know it until the first day of school in which mama had left aunt Julia all of their certificates, works, scores, etc. For Opal it is going actually preety good, great actually because she is one of the most popular girls in the school, but for Garnet not really. She feels rejected and odd. Even the only frind Garnet made, Faith, was pretending to like her just becuase she promised her daddy to be nice.

Secrets Hidden In The Lines

"I said I'd try. Who could predict your daddy would get himself nearly killes and mess up everything? I swear, sometimes I think he pulls these stunts just to spite me."(74)
It isn't fair for the girls, I mean they've been through a lot and blaming their daddy ,the only person that was standing by them no matter what,isn't right. It was HER choice to leave the girls, it was HER decision to go after her dream and no fulfill her responsabilities. If anyone is to be blamed here it is mama because she was the only one that wasn't being fair with her daughters lives.

"Mama had never intended to come for us at all, and Aunt Julia knew it all the time."(89)
Why don't they just tellthem the truth? is not like theyare going to be hurt or something becuase just the fact of being dumped for a nonsense reason in you nerver-seen aunt's house is punishment enough. Mama and all the other adults have to understand that bog sudden changes aren't easy to process, it takes time. Specially if you are entering a new school all of the sudden

Final Thoughts

I can't stop reading this marvelous book. It is funny, interesting, and it hooks you to it since the very beggining. The way in which Garnet describes the situations, and the setting helps you improve your initial idea of what it may look like. In my opinion and for a personal experince, I believe that specially in this situation in which they changed from school and all of that, it isn't easy for just adapt easily, it actually takes time to get acustomed to the new envirnoment that surrounds you. Opal is making it a lot more easier.... but Garnet she is special.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

On The Move


When mama left
Semiprecious written by D. Anne Love is an amazing book that you can relate yourself into a feel special once in a while, you can learn how to be tolerant and patient as well. It is mainly about a crazy mom with 2 kids named Garnet and Opal. In mama's birthday, dad gave her a vacuum cleaner instead of the electric guitar she wanted, she was so upset because her dream was to go to Nashville and become a music star and with a vacuum cleaner that wouldn't be possible. The next morning mama made the kids pack her bags because they were going to stay with her aunt Julia while she went to Nashville to make her dream come true. On their way mama bought the guitar and warned dad about what was going on because he worked in a different country. When they arrived to aunt Julia's and mama left them the adventure began.....

Secrets Hidden In The Lines

"She has no idea how much I hate her."
"Daddy says we aren't supposed  to say we hate anybody"(28)

This makes me remember about my dad. He always makes sure that my sister and I never say we hate each other because "hate" is a really strong word. I don't think Opal hates mama I mean she is 15 and big changes sometimes aren't good for teenagers, maybe she would be mad for a while but eventually she will miss mama. Garnet on the other hand doesn't hate mama bit she is really disappointed.

"'Wait for me my precious gems. I've come to take you come.'
If only that had happened, instead of what actually did."(58)
I can see that mama isn't coming any time soon. Why would she leave her children? Does she care about them at all? Because when she was mad about what had happened in her birthday she yelled to dad that she was tires of looking after them, it was "dad's" turn to do it..... I don't think she is a model for kids.

Final Thoughts

This book is AMAZING. I can identify myself in so many ways specially with Garnet. She is a very special girl that likes to express herself in a way that makes you think a little bit better about things. Makes you question is what before seemed struggling, now it may look silly. So far i am 100% hooked to think very amusing book and I think there is no way I will get bored. I honestly hope that mama returns to get her girls but there is only one way to know if that is true...... well keep reading!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Inside Out


When I finished the book
I have finally reached the end of the book and it was delightful. The Cullen's finally confronted Victoria and his army directed by Riley Biers. Edward takes on Victoria and Seth (the newest member of Jacob´s pack) takes on Riley, It was a close fight but at the ens Seth and Edward prevail by working as a team. After that the Volturi showed up at the scene of battle shocked about the fact that the Cullen´s took care about all of it. Hours later Bella went to to visit Jacob at his house because he was wounded in battle. In there he confess that even though she might be a "bloodsucker" pretty soon he is still going to love her. After some ups and downs in Edward and Bella´s relationship she is not scared anymore at the idea of getting married.

Some Secrets...

My reaction when I read how Edward defended his position
"Do you really think I would hurt her that way?"(498)
I like the way in which Edward defends his position as a boyfriend. This quote reminds me that you should be grateful of the people that care about you. Feelings guide our actions and decisions and sometimes can be the key factor of something grate/bad. Like the phrase says "Don´t do to others what you don´t want to yourself". The way we treat people is the way people are going to treat us.

When I realized how much Edward cares about Bella
"But you left  because you didn´t want to make her a bloodsucker. You want her to be human."(500)
  Edward is trying so hard to protect Bella even if it means to leave her. He doesn´t want her to suffer nor feel lonely just like he did. This shows us that Edward is a very helpful person, he always thinks about others before himself. He puts others needs first,

Final Thoughts

I finally reached the end of the book and I loved it! During these blogs I realized that these book teached me a lot of life messages. One of the most strong messages that I received is appreciate the time you have with loved ones because they would not be there forever.This book was an excellent example of how good can people become. This book was very entertaining and I highly recommend it to all people, I have learned a lot and as I predicted in other book series it ended with a happy ending. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Same Old, Same Old


What I think Edward was trying to do to not be jelaous.
After Jacob arrived to Bella's party he gave her a bracelet with a wooden-carved werewolf. After Jacob's pack heard about Victoria they wanted to help but Bella wasn't too exited about this idea, she was already putting at risk the Cullens. Jasper accepted to teach the  werewolves and his family how to fight agaisnt the newborns. Days went by and the day of the practice arrived. After the practice finalized they all were strugging because they didn't knwe where to hide Bella while they fought with Victoria's army. After some arguments they all acceptd the idea of hiding Bella in the mountains. After a few days Bella stayed at Edward's house because the res of them went hiking. In there they talked about they're conditions and Edward proposed to her! Finally the day arrived and it was time for Jacob to bring Bella to the mountains. At night it was freezing cold so Jacob slept next to Bella to warm her....Edward was jealous.

Some Secrets...

"Three bad things have happened since you came back."
In my opinion I think that Bella may have been having her regrets. I mean she loves Edward with her heart ans soul but like she said everything bad happens when Edward is with Bella. Maybe this is some kind of sign that tells Edward and bella that the best should be if they just break up. I just hope that everything turns out just right because I think they make a great couple.

"'Okay, look Edward,'I whispered. 'Here's the thing... I;ve already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are. And I can't stand it if you leave me again.'"
I think that Bella is more focused in this relationship than Edward because he did leave her and didn't even called to know if she was even alive. Although Edward proposed to her so that makes it confusing.

Final Thoughts

I liked this few pages because I got to know the real personalities of the characters. I realized that some of them are very jelous and don't know how to be sutil about it. I'm reaching the end of th book and I really am looking forward to read it. I hope it ends with a happy ending and that bella and Edward do get married someday.