Bella called Jacob, but it wasn't a big deal. Billy answered the phone and said to Bella that Jacob had an illness called "mono". He couldn't have visitors for a month, Bella couldn't handle much time without his company so she gave them a week. After that week passed away, Bella called Billy again, it turned out that it wasn't "mono" it was just some other illness. Aparently Jacob was better now (when Bella called), but he was in Port Angeles with some friends. Bella was cool with this because maybe he ditched her Jacob for a personal reason like resolving heir differences between him and Quil. Because she had no company, she went hiking alone looking for that mysterious meadow. After a while, she did find the meadow, at first she was relieved that she had come alone because she felt nostalgic when she saw it. But right after she arrived, a known vampire appeard from the woods. Laurent (one of James' gang). That is when she was starting to feel scared and nervous. Bella asked about Victoria and he said that she was the reason why he was in the meadow. It turned out that Victoria had found Laurent after all. She had sent him to the woods to verify that Bella was not protected by the Cullens anymore, she didn't know that they went away, yet. Laurent's purpose wasn't to kill Bella, but unfortunately he had found her when he was thirsty. He said to Bella what Victoria had planned for her death, he said that what he would do to her wouldn't hurt a thing. Laurent explained to Bella that instead of killing Edward, she would kill her because Edward killed his mate. She called this arrangement 'mate-to-mate". When Laurent was about to kill Bella, a pack of wolves attacked him and Bella had the opportunity to run for her life! When Bella was home she called Jacob for several days, but he wouldn't answer. She was starting to worry because no one answered the phone, so she decided to go to La Push. Bella got to talk to Jacob abd the first thing she noticed abot him was taht phisically he had changed. Not only in phisical features had Jacob changed but in moral features too. He was more rude now, he said to Bella he couldn't hangout with her anymore. That night Jacob went to Bellas'. At first he would apologize but because of his rudness, she wouldn't accept it. Then, Jacob explained that he had a secret that Bella already knew, she just had to remember. She did remember in a dream, now Bella knew that Jacob was a werewolf. Now that Bella knew what was going on, Jacob is starting to explain thing to her.
"Should I go after Charlie? What would I say? And what about Jacob? Jacob was my best friend; I needed to warn him. If he really was a -I cringed and forced myself to think the word-werewolf (and I knew it was true, I could feel it), then people would be shooting at him!"(297-298)
In my opinion I think that Bella is very dependent. What I mean is that she depends a lot in people to be happy. When she was with Edward she had nothing to worry about, she was happy and protected. But once he left she was left alone, she was unhappy, depressed. The same thing happens with Jacob. When Jacob wasn't a werewolf he was very caring with Bella, and respectful. But when he turned, he depended on Sam. Sam took his decisions. This quote really reflect what family vs friends means. For example,Bella doesn't decide either to help Jacob or try to protect his father from Jacob's specie.
"'I wouldn't have come. But Bella,' he looked at me again, 'I made you a promise. I had no idea it would be so hard to keep, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.'"(288)
I found it intersting how Jacob chooses to express himself. i can tell that he does likes Bella a lot becuase he is sacrificing alot in order to protect and make Bella happy. Because like I said before Bella depends a lot in people in order to be happy.
Final Thoughts
As I continue reading the more details that are revealed. In this 112 pages, I found out that Jacob was a werewolf! I assume as he said on the quote above that he would try his best to protect Bella from danger. Bella is an expert in doing thing in a reckless and stupid way so maybe she is going to need Jacob's help. I wonder if Bella is still listening HIS voice again? I will like to find out what is causing her to hear this voices.
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