Thursday, October 15, 2015

Your Time Is Running Out


Once Bella and Jacob were friends again, she would spend all day in La Push. However, because Bella told Charlie about Jacob's transformation morally and phisically, he would be suspicious about him. After a while Jacob felt that it was an obligation for Bella to be with him specially when the pack was hunting Victoria. So, consequently to this he offered Bella to go cliff diving as she had seen Sam and other guys do it too. Because of Victoia like I said before, Jacob couldn't make it and Bella was again left alone. Bella went to the beach anyway. Even though, she didn't made the decision yet of jumping of the cliff, the voice warned her again as it is always used toif she did something dumb. Bella jumped anyways. She was "drowning" because there was a lot of current in the water she had left herself fall into. Bella managed to percieve something, she saw something orange in the distnace when she was under water, she didn't know what was it though. After a minute and so that Bella was underwater, Jacob and his pack heroically rescued Bella from killing herself. Finally when Jacob was taking Bella home, she heard HIM one last time, he had said "Be Happy". Anyway when they were nearly in Bella's home, Bella saw a car. It wasn't an ordinary car. I was Carlisle's. When Bella was in her way to her house because Jacob would't go with her, she realized that the orange thing she had seen in the water was Victoria! At the end it didn't turned out to be Carlisle, it was Alice. Alice wasn't with his habitual attitude, she seemed preocupied. She had told Bella that she had a vision, she saw Bella jump off the cliff and she wouldn't come back up. Jacob returned to see if Bella was okay and that is when the phone rings. According to Jacob the man on the phone was Carlisle asking for Charlie, Jacob said to him that he was on the funeral (Harry Clearwater had recently died because of a heart attack). He didn't tell him who was dead though. After alice come in with a serious and preocupied look. it turned out that Edward was the man on the phone! Now Edward think that Bella is dead. This is why he was heading to italy in order to get killed by The Volturi, but they rejected his application once he applied. Bella and Alice only had until noon to save Edward because he was going to do something reckless himself in order to provokeThe Volturi even more. When Bella and Alice finally arrived to Volterra a cop stopped them, in order to save Edward in time, Bella had to run her life.


"Why would I fight when I was so happy where I was? Even as my lungs burned for more air and my legs cramped in the icy cold, I was content. I'd forgotten what real happiness felt like. Happiness. It made the whole dying thing pretty bearable."(361)
Why would someone be happy when they are actually dying? Do they even consider the damage that they can cause to other people? I found it interesting how Bella is happy. In my opinion she is happy because all of the suffering will be gone soon. She would not have to be devastated anymore, she would not have to be heartbroken anymore, she would be free. I think that suicide is the solution to an endless path of exasperation.

"I shook my head sadly. Love is irrational, I reminded myself. The more you loved someone, the less sense anything made."(340)
Bella can express herself like this becuase he had experince it all my herself. She loved Edward with her life but when he left everything was confusing to her, she didn;t even understand why she was sad because she had only loved him for so little time. In my opinion Bella doesn't want any other relationship specially with Jacon (which is her best friend) because she's afraid of loosing him.

Final Thoughts

I only have a few pages left to reach the end of the book. I can not wait to find out what happens to Edward. Will he die? Will Bella save him? These are the questions that are haunting me. I hope that Bella finds Edward seconds before he did his reckless thing because that will add a little bit of drama to the scene. I'm optimistic that this book will end with a happy ending. I hope that Bella and Edward get back together even though I had called heartless before.

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