Monday, December 14, 2015

When Help Arrives


By this time, mother went to labor again. She one day called him into her bedroom and she apologyzed, she said that she was very sotty about the things she had done to him. Dave told his mom if it was really over, and she answered that yes. Mother let David eat all he wanted, she let him change his clothes, nut most importantly he was loved. But all lies always come to an end.... It was all a charade! Mother had pretended this whole time because a ladyfrom social services was investigating David and his situation. Somebody who really cared about him must've send the lady to do an investigation. When the lady left, it all went back to reality... Dave didn't had food, he had the bathtub and garden routine and other punishments also. He realized that the dogs had more food than himself so when he had the opportunity he sneaked the leftovers of the dogs into his mouth. It not ends on that also in school he got his beating too bullies punched him and kicked hi as well. Dave became 'rebelious' so get got to the point that he provoked either the bullies or mother so that she would end the suffering. One thing got to another and David's parents separated from each other. Dad didn't take the luxury of taking David with him, he just left him with a person who made a living hell for him until one day.....


"No just God would leave me like this. I beleived that I was alone in my stuggle and that my battle was one of survival.'(131)
He came to belive that there was no God for him. Just to imagine that made me burst into tears, I can see that mother doesn't care about him, she doeasn't care if he was alive or dead. But at least she should've fed him or showed a litle bit of compasion. She only acted all loving when a social services lady came to investigate Dave, herself, and the house. She planned all out only becuase she knew that is she showed only a little bit of regret, Dave would fall into her plan.

"As my brothers wolfed down their hamburgers, without them knowing I clasped my hands together, bent my head down, closed my eyes and prayed with all my heart.'(153)
After returning from the department where father was free from mother, they went to a McDonalds obiously they bought the burgers and on purpose they ate them on the car so that Dave would starve even more. In my opinion that is very childish. He doesn't want to live anymore, he just wants to escape from that prison people call home. He is tired of the beating. Dave said that he hated mother for all she has done to him, he hated his supposed called 'brothers', and he hated his father becuase he helped himslf but he didn't helped the only person that saw him as a hero...

Final Thoughts

Well the book has come to an end. Mother never said sorry to Dave. NEVER!! And when she did she did it becuse it would benefit her. I'm so glad that David made his way out of that madhouse or else.. I can see that David suffered a lot not only about how he narrated the story, it was impacting just seeing the faith in someone or something can burst you into pieces. This was exactly how I didn't wanted the story to end. I wanted mother to rwalize how much damage she hs caused, and that she would've apologyzed in a touching way. I really liked this book, and I think that reading this authors experience  inspired me to chamge things in my life for example PACIENCE. It changes my viewpoint into a whole new level.

Monday, December 7, 2015

What Happens At Home Stays At Home


What I assume is Davids' attitude towards mother
Now that Father isn't helping David anymore, he no longer has any respect left for his 'savior'. Mother didn't fed David regardless if father was home. She soometimes fed him bits by bits. When mother 'accidentally' stabbed him, she would't mind at all, she was so helpless that David had to take care of his wound all ny himself. By that time father spent the less, less,less time possible becuase I assume that he now hates mother as well. Father eventuaky apologyzed to David for beong such a cold self, he promised him that they would get out of that 'madhouse' soon. However, because father spent little time at the house mother came up with different creative punishemnets to David.The gas chamber treatment, and the bathtub&garden treatment were two of the most often mother used. in The bathtub&garden treatment it looked to me that she was trying to drown him. He sent hours and hours in an ice cold bathtub while his brothers invited friends so they can see their naked brother. Surprisingly one day mother let David sleep no longer on the garage but in fathers' bed.


"Within a few seconds my sparkler fizzled out. I turned towards the retreating sun. It had been forever since I had watched a sunset. I closed my eyes, trying to soak up as much heat as i could. For a few fleeting moments my pain, my hunger and my miserable way of life disappeared. I felt so warm, so alive."(94)
Ok, mother is kind of bipolar. One day she is very loving towards David, another day she treat him as a piece of food. What is causing these sudden changes of mood? It is just matter of time that she transforms into an unberable monster once again. This isn't bearable like she stabbed him and she didn't even took care of his wound! OMG! I can't even imagine a worse person living in earth right now. Without a doubt this has to stop right away.

"I began to give up on God. I felt that HE must have hated me. What other reason could there be for a life like me? All my efforts for mere survival seemed futil. My attempts to stay one step ahead of Mother were useles. A black shadow was always over me."(111)
At what point Dave must've been to think such thing! I can see that mother made him suffer a lot for him to think that his life didn't have a purpose anymore, he needs to keep going, he needs to have courage so that mother can see what has she done. He needs to stay storng enough.

Final Thoughts

David is going through a very difficult time, he no longer wants to keep going, he thinks his life doesn't mean anything. He needs to understand that he isn't the only one that is beng abused from their parents. He needs help! He needs support. I know God will help David it is just matter of time. However, many of my questions are being answered as I flip the pages over, but I can't wait to find out David's fate. I hope that the book is alwyas as catchy as always. David is one of the million of kids around the world who have the most important purpose in life which is find something the good in people, learn to forgive.

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Fight for a Real Life


What I hope mother would do when she relize
what she has done to her child.
Thanks to the stravation mother made David suffer, he often stealed. Before class started he would finish his chores, run as fast as he could to the nearest store, and he would steal whatever was at hand. Sometimes, he decided that he would arrive at school extra early and he would steal from the truck that provided food for the school. He once stole a frozen hotdog, David without a doubt ate it with a sudden gulp. For a couple of days his plan worked until mother found out...... She forced him to throw up whatever was on his little stomach and she made him eat it again. All this happened when father was at home. Days passed away nad mother decided that David didn't have the priviledge to sleep uptairs anymore, she made him sleep in the garage where everythingwas dark and lonely. By this time mother didn't fed David so ge got the idea of asking a lady to make him a lunchbox. When this happened and mother found out she would make him swallow ammomia. Anyway, by this time also mother was getting kind of crazy. She threaten David with a knife because she wanted him to clean the dishes in 20min or else, mother would kill him! Mother kind of tripped and she stabbed him! She stabbed him! it was an accident though.When mother was gone David told father what had happened. David now had 30min to clean the dishes.


"Even though Mother caught me in most of my attempts to feed myself, she could't catch me all the time. Aftermonths of being confined for hours at a time in the garage, my courage took over and I stole bits of frozen food from the garage freezer. I was fully aware that I could pay for my crime ata any timw, so I ate every morsel as if it was my last meal." (78)
I am aware that mother never feds David, but why should she had to treat him like that? She just increased a level of insaness. That isn't bearable anymore! David has to alert the police, a teacher, a friend about what is going on here. He might not be aware of this but, mother and his threatens can get to a very dangerous point in which his life could be dangeroud. He could get literaly killed.

"It was just a metter of time. I felt a curious sense of relief. I knew in my heart it was over. This whole charade of living like a slave had come to an end. Even Mother could not lie this one. I felt the accident set me free." (88)
There wasn't a slight sign of remore in mother's eyes, she just stood up and said to David that he now had 30 min to clean the dishes. HOW DARE SHE? He is a human being not a puppet. She at least could've taken him to an hospital where he would be in good hands. She stabbed him, stabbed him! That torment should've followed her until the rest of her days but she decided to just play it cool. I can't belive how heartless Mother is. Father is also very insensitive. David told him about what happened and he didn't care a bit.

Final Thoughts

I find it very interesting how David chooses to expres himself, it actually catches the reader attention even more. I have a lot of questions that are yet not answered, but I hope they soon will. Along these next few pages I have learn that hope can have two sides. It can give you something to believe in, and it can destroy you completely. In this case David thought that mother was finally giving up and this whole "charade" would come to an end. Eventually, when mother opened her mouth just to add 10 more min to his labour hours it destroyed him. He realized that it was only the beggining, it might never end, I asume he thinks that it is useless to think about his future if he has a very little chance to actually have one.... There is no more time to regret things, he has to tell someone!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Rough Days


The fight for food as David described it was very complex. He could only have leftovers from his brothers only when they felt like fedding him. Before they constantly asked mother if David could come out an play, however, when they asked they also got their beatings. Eventually Ronald and Stan stopped even looking at him in the eye. However, when father was at home everything was a living heaven. Mother wouldn't even scream at David. But, when he left the consequences began to arrive. When father had office hours 24 hours straight, mother would take advantage of it. One day she waited until David and his brothers arrived from school, she would send the others to their boy scout meeting and she would take care of David. She turned on the stove and ordered him to undress himself so that she can burn him. He didn't cry or did any sound because he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing him suffer pain. This is when the fight for food became a cycle. Father would try to sneak peaces of food for him whie he was grounded in the basement. He would steal food before school even started, and he would hear how mother and father argued. By this time mother was pregnant with his fourth child and everything became worse. When the baby was finally born, she used him as a secret weapon. She would bring him to the principal wherever he called him to inform her about the scars David had all over his body. Little by little she became more and more insensitive.


"At the house, the dual punishment of hunger and violent attacks continued. By this time, for all practical purposes, I was no longer a member of the family. I existed, but there was little or no recognititon. Mother had ever stopped using my name; reffering to me as The Boy." (50)
Is David so meaningless? Why would anyone treat like someone like that? Who do she thinks she is? There must be some explanation to this behavior this isn't bearable anymore, this is literallt a living hell. At leat she could have the courage to reffer to David as his name but no, she has to be meaningless enough so that his name is "The Boy". Also why only him? Why did this had to happen to him? Why not Stan or Ronald?

"At school I was a total outcast. No other kid would have anuthing to do with me. During the lucnch recesses, I stuffed the sandwiches down my throat as I listened to my former friends make up osngs about me. "David the Food Thief" and "Pelzer-Smellzer" were two of the playground favourites. I had no one to talk to or play with. I felt all alone." (58)
It would've been nice that those kids should place themselves on David's shoes. How would they feel if they knew the truth about David's mother? How much lonelyness do they had to suffer if they only spent one day living like David? In my opinion in this case just the outfit David has to wear everyday says it all. A normal kid wouldn't use the same old clothes every single day wouldn't he?

Final Thoughts

Only this few pages made me thankful of everything I ever had, and everything I have. I am so glad to have a family that loves me and that rejects the idea od beating me. I hope that in the next few chapters David will no longer accept the conduct of mother, and he'll do something about it. He can't sit and keep his mouth shut with  his arms crossed, he has to end this injustice like right know. I hope that Father will reflect on what mother is doing and both of them will escape and live a happy live withought beatings. I really hope that evertything turns out just great. Also I hope that David would still be as corageous as he always should be.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It Is Only The Beggining


My reaction when I started reading the horrible things that mother did to David.
It is March 5, 1973, Daly City, California. Life couldn't be harder for David Pezler. He was abused by his mother. David never told anyone about this though, he kept it a secret so he can "protect" her. Everyday is a routine. David arrives running to school (very often he is late) at Thomas Edison Elementary School, he tries to steal food before class even starts, as mother never fed him, he would go to class and immediately he would be send to the nurse office, there the nurse would check all the scars he had all over his body. According to the book, David had a scar of when mother stabbed him "accidentally". By this time David had given up everything in his life. One day, David was summoned to the principal's office after the daily scar check. In the office there was the principal, other teachers, the nurse and a police officer. After a long and confusing chat, the police officer takes David with him. He called his mother to tell her that she no longer had control over David, therefore David was free..... But the story doesn't begin yet.....Before David was abused he thought he was blessed by his parents. The little house they had in San Francisco was perfect. His mother (or "Mom" as David nicknamed her before) most of the time was very caring and loving with all the 3 brothers; David, Ronald, and Stan. Until one day..... everything went upside down.


" The act worked. Mother can beat me all she wants, but I haven't let her take away my will to somehow survive" (4)
I can see how David tries to express himself. He always tried to keep standing tall as mother's attitude took a drastic change from caring into a witch. Why is that? Why does mother treat David so badly? David still have faith that maybe someday he will be free, he wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Me myself can't imagine how David can tolerate her. What tactics had he planned to not die. How much strength he had had to wake up everyday and realize he is in a living hell. I can't imagine or visualize the kind of pain David must've felt. Imagine if you were a victim of child abuse by your own "caring" mother?

"My relationship with Mom dratically changed from dicipline to punishment that grew out of control." (29)
I feel very bad for David. Before he thought as I said before blessed, he felt blessed for the parents he had. They before had picnincs and trips, LOVE . Everyone back then loved each other, mother sometimes even cried in christmas because she thought her family was real.....until from one day to another mother decided to treat David as a dog. She spanked him, she yelled at him, she even fed him only when his brothers left lefovers. Is mom alcoholic? because what other reason does she have to treat poeple so badly?

Final Thoughts

This book hooked me since the very beggining. I really can't wait to see what will happen next. I'm anxious to find out what other horrible things does mother does to this poor child. I am also looking forward to see how little by little David is transforming into a more corageous person. Not everyone has the courage to face all this terrible stuff that had been happening to him. Not everyone has hop even if they know there is nothing you can do. I really admore this kid and the way he himself tells the story of his rough life it's just mindblowing. I hope that the book is as interesting is it is right now.

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Final Decision


As Bella runned for her life she saw Edward in the distance. Just before Edward stood out into the sun to the view of the people, Bella "slammed into him." Edward thought he was in hell because he smelled Bella's hair (he thought peoplewere torturing him). but after a while he finally realized that Bella was alive and he was too. Just when both of them were looking at each other, two of Aro's empoloyees came to say to Edward that the Volturi needed to speak with him. Obiously after realizing that Bella wasn't dead at all, he rejected their services. Alice stepped in I think after returning the stolen car. Later on, a vampire called Jane entered the room and said to everyone to follow her. Because of the creepy architectural style, Bella thought they (specially her) were going to die, this is why she didn't let go of Edward. When they finally entered an ancinet room, Bella got to know the 3 Volturi: Aro, Marcus and Caius. When Aro saw Bella, he wanted to know all about it so he held Edward's hand (he had a similar gift as Edward). He now knew that Bella's blood was very "appealing" to Edward. However, when Aro tried to read Bella's thoughts somehow he couldn't, after trying his hypothesis with various vampires, he got to the conclusion that she was "inmune" to all the gifts they had. He also read Alice's mind, there he saw that Bella was turning into a vampire. Because of this, they were free to go, but some day they will go check on them. Then again, when they reached Forks, everyone received them (all the Cullens). later on they reached Bella's house, Charlie wasn't happy to see Edward at all. She went to sleep because it had been a long week. When she finally woe up Edward was there, he said to her that he lied about not wanting her anymore, and she believed him so easily. Because he would not want to turn Bella, she would put her inmortality to vote. All the Cullens agreed to it, besides Rosaline and Edward. After he took her home and talked for a while, Edward proposed to Bella. She would't take it seriously though.


"I'd never seen anthing more beautiful- even as I ran, gasping and screaming, I could appreciate that. And the last seven months meant nothing. And it did not matter if he did not want me, I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived"(451)
I can see now that Bella never moved on, it might have seem like it, but she still loved Edward the way she always did. One glance at him, that is all it took for Bella to realize that he truly loved Edward. It didn't matter to her if he had moved on or if he wanted to get killed because of guilt, none of it matter anymore. Every time she saw him or heard him, Bella knew why she was doing what she was doing. For example, when Bella jumped off the cliff, she didn't did it for fun, she did it because she wanted to hear that marvelous voice once again. Mybe know she realized that there was never a hole in her heart, maybe by just being with him one more time it would be healed.

"'Even if I'd had no hand in your death' he shuddered as he whispered the last word-'even if it wasn't my fault, I would have gone to Italy."(508)
I take back my words. Edward isn't a heartless person. Well he left Bella alone but it was just because he wanted her to have a normal, human, happy life. He did felt awful and devastated when he thought Bella was dead, he regreted everything he has made because he couldn't imagine a life without her. Bella on the other hand, thinks that edward went to Italy because he felt guilty. She thought that he wanted to kill himself because he couldn't protect her, but later he explained to her that he loved her no matter what. His love toward her was so intense that Edward told Bella that he couldn't pass through one wholw hour withought her. I now think Edward is the sweet, gentle vampire I used to visualize.

Final Thoughts

I really, really, really loved this book. I'm satisfied because what I predicted became reality! I am looking forward to learn more about these two characters who had given me the meaning of loving someone. What I liked about this book or Stephanie's Meyer manuscripts in general, is that she really connencts to the characters, she tries to encourage people to keep reading and to make reading an habit. I hope that all the books that are ahead of me are as thoughtful and creative as these saga. Thanks to this marvelous author I have recover the feeling of wanting to read more and more each time. I hope other kids, or teenagers find this book as intersting and reflective as I do. I'm very content that the book ended in a happy ending as I wanted it to. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Your Time Is Running Out


Once Bella and Jacob were friends again, she would spend all day in La Push. However, because Bella told Charlie about Jacob's transformation morally and phisically, he would be suspicious about him. After a while Jacob felt that it was an obligation for Bella to be with him specially when the pack was hunting Victoria. So, consequently to this he offered Bella to go cliff diving as she had seen Sam and other guys do it too. Because of Victoia like I said before, Jacob couldn't make it and Bella was again left alone. Bella went to the beach anyway. Even though, she didn't made the decision yet of jumping of the cliff, the voice warned her again as it is always used toif she did something dumb. Bella jumped anyways. She was "drowning" because there was a lot of current in the water she had left herself fall into. Bella managed to percieve something, she saw something orange in the distnace when she was under water, she didn't know what was it though. After a minute and so that Bella was underwater, Jacob and his pack heroically rescued Bella from killing herself. Finally when Jacob was taking Bella home, she heard HIM one last time, he had said "Be Happy". Anyway when they were nearly in Bella's home, Bella saw a car. It wasn't an ordinary car. I was Carlisle's. When Bella was in her way to her house because Jacob would't go with her, she realized that the orange thing she had seen in the water was Victoria! At the end it didn't turned out to be Carlisle, it was Alice. Alice wasn't with his habitual attitude, she seemed preocupied. She had told Bella that she had a vision, she saw Bella jump off the cliff and she wouldn't come back up. Jacob returned to see if Bella was okay and that is when the phone rings. According to Jacob the man on the phone was Carlisle asking for Charlie, Jacob said to him that he was on the funeral (Harry Clearwater had recently died because of a heart attack). He didn't tell him who was dead though. After alice come in with a serious and preocupied look. it turned out that Edward was the man on the phone! Now Edward think that Bella is dead. This is why he was heading to italy in order to get killed by The Volturi, but they rejected his application once he applied. Bella and Alice only had until noon to save Edward because he was going to do something reckless himself in order to provokeThe Volturi even more. When Bella and Alice finally arrived to Volterra a cop stopped them, in order to save Edward in time, Bella had to run her life.


"Why would I fight when I was so happy where I was? Even as my lungs burned for more air and my legs cramped in the icy cold, I was content. I'd forgotten what real happiness felt like. Happiness. It made the whole dying thing pretty bearable."(361)
Why would someone be happy when they are actually dying? Do they even consider the damage that they can cause to other people? I found it interesting how Bella is happy. In my opinion she is happy because all of the suffering will be gone soon. She would not have to be devastated anymore, she would not have to be heartbroken anymore, she would be free. I think that suicide is the solution to an endless path of exasperation.

"I shook my head sadly. Love is irrational, I reminded myself. The more you loved someone, the less sense anything made."(340)
Bella can express herself like this becuase he had experince it all my herself. She loved Edward with her life but when he left everything was confusing to her, she didn;t even understand why she was sad because she had only loved him for so little time. In my opinion Bella doesn't want any other relationship specially with Jacon (which is her best friend) because she's afraid of loosing him.

Final Thoughts

I only have a few pages left to reach the end of the book. I can not wait to find out what happens to Edward. Will he die? Will Bella save him? These are the questions that are haunting me. I hope that Bella finds Edward seconds before he did his reckless thing because that will add a little bit of drama to the scene. I'm optimistic that this book will end with a happy ending. I hope that Bella and Edward get back together even though I had called heartless before.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Forgiveness Is Always a Good Thing


Bella called Jacob, but it wasn't a big deal. Billy answered the phone and said to Bella that Jacob had an illness called "mono". He couldn't have visitors for a month, Bella couldn't handle much time without his company so she gave them a week. After that week passed away, Bella called Billy again, it turned out that it wasn't "mono" it was just some other illness. Aparently Jacob was better now (when Bella called), but he was in Port Angeles with some friends. Bella was cool with this because maybe he ditched her Jacob for a personal reason like resolving heir differences between him and Quil. Because she had no company, she went hiking alone looking for that mysterious meadow. After a while, she did find the meadow, at first she was relieved that she had come alone because she felt nostalgic when she saw it. But right after she arrived, a known vampire appeard from the woods. Laurent (one of James' gang). That is when she was starting to feel scared and nervous. Bella asked about Victoria and he said that she was the reason why he was in the meadow. It turned out that Victoria had found Laurent after all. She had sent him to the woods to verify that Bella was not protected by the Cullens anymore, she didn't know that they went away, yet. Laurent's purpose wasn't to kill Bella, but unfortunately he had found her when he was thirsty. He said to Bella what Victoria had planned for her death, he said that what he would do to her wouldn't hurt a thing. Laurent explained to Bella that instead of killing Edward, she would kill her because Edward killed his mate. She called this arrangement 'mate-to-mate". When Laurent was about to kill Bella, a pack of wolves attacked him and Bella had the opportunity to run for her life! When Bella was home she called Jacob for several days, but he wouldn't answer. She was starting to worry because no one answered the phone, so she decided to go to La Push. Bella got to talk to Jacob abd the first thing she noticed abot him was taht phisically he had changed. Not only in phisical features had Jacob changed but in moral features too. He was more rude now, he said to Bella he couldn't hangout with her anymore. That night Jacob went to Bellas'. At first he would apologize but because of his rudness, she wouldn't accept it. Then, Jacob explained that he had a secret that Bella already knew, she just had to remember. She did remember in a dream, now Bella knew that Jacob was a werewolf. Now that Bella knew what was going on, Jacob is starting to explain thing to her.


"Should I go after Charlie? What would I say? And what about Jacob? Jacob was my best friend; I needed to warn him. If he really was a -I cringed and forced myself to think the word-werewolf (and I knew it was true, I could feel it), then people would be shooting at him!"(297-298)
In my opinion I think that Bella is very dependent. What I mean is that she depends a lot in people to be happy. When she was with Edward she had nothing to worry about, she was happy and protected. But once he left she was left alone, she was unhappy, depressed. The same thing happens with Jacob. When Jacob wasn't a werewolf he was very caring with Bella, and respectful. But when he turned, he depended on Sam. Sam took his decisions. This quote really reflect what  family vs friends means. For example,Bella doesn't decide either to help Jacob or try to protect his father from Jacob's specie.

"'I wouldn't have come. But Bella,' he looked at me again, 'I made you a promise. I had no idea it would be so hard to keep, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.'"(288)
I found it intersting how Jacob chooses to express himself. i can tell that he does likes Bella a lot becuase he is sacrificing alot in order to protect and make Bella happy. Because like I said before Bella depends a lot in people in order to be happy.

Final Thoughts

As I continue reading the more details that are revealed. In this 112 pages, I found out that Jacob was a werewolf! I assume as he said on the quote above that he would try his best to protect Bella from danger. Bella is an expert in doing thing in a reckless and stupid way so maybe she is going to need Jacob's help. I wonder if Bella is still listening HIS voice again? I will like to find out what is causing her to hear this voices.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New Friends, New Experiences


"It will be as if I never existed" this is what Edwars said before leaving. This is what have been bothering Bella since then. Before HE left, he made sure to tell Bella to stay away from the reckless and stupid actions she is used to do. Because Bella loves breaking promises, she decided to do something reckless and stupid. She bought two motorcycles. She didn't know where to fix them and how to fix them  because she had rescued them from the trash. She realized that her old friend Jacob Black worked very hard in a garage, that is when she called Charlie for the address. Obiously Charlie was delighted by the news because finally Bella was goint to interact with another human being. After Bella arrived and talked to Jacob for a while, she realized or in other words rememberd that she does like Jacob. Fortunately Jacob agreed to help Bella, she felt guilty because she was asking too much so both of them made a deal. Jacob will owe one of the motorcycles when they were finished, and he would teach Bella how to ride them. Coming over to Jacob's house became an habit after a while because he made her feel much better about her heartbreaking situation. In school she did feel strange though, noboody of the Cullens were there, everysingle one of them had had disappeard from her life in one second. This is why Bella felt "healthier" when Jacob was around. After spending a lot of time together, Jacob called Bella. He had finally finished the bikes! After Bella and Jacob arrived to a place in which she would learn how to ride, she saw a man throw himself off the cliff. Bella freaked out right there on the spot. Jacob then explained to her that they do that for fun, not to kill themselves. Anyway, when Bella managed to ride the bike withought falling apart, she heard HIM again. Bella kpt on going until her brakes failed and she fell over. Later, she went to the hospital and got 7 stiches on the head. After a while Bella went to the movies with Mike,  Jacob and other couple of friends. Non of them showed up so they ended only the 3 of them. Later on, Mike had to run to the bathroom because the movie made him sick. After Jacob went to check on him, he and Bella talked about their relationship. Bella only wanted him as a friend, Jacob was cool with that. After they took Mike home, Jacob started to feel sick too. A long time passed until Bella called Jacob.


"It wasn't as hard as I would have thought to keep focused on the present. The forest looked a lot like any other part of the peninsula, and Jacob set a vastly different mood."(198)
After a good period of time, Bella is realizing that it isn't worth it to spend the rest of her life regretting what had happened. Now she is more mature on the situation, she is focused on just moving ahead in life no matter how much she had suffered for a person. It can be said that Bella is starting to overcome the place in which the love of her life breaked her heart. It can also be said that Jacob is helping Bella pass through this situation

"One thing I truly knew- knew in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest- was how love gave someone the power to brake you."(219)
Because Bella now has the experience in being split in two halves, she doesn't want any of it anymore. I think that she is trying to say that once you know the person you are dating is the one, you are letting him have the power of destroying you completely. Bella knows she likes Jacob, but she isn't ready for another relationship after something catastrophic had happened to her.

Final Thoughts

As I get deeper into the book each chapter gets better every time. Bella is starting to have this visions of Edward in her mind every time she does something wrong. I hope that Edward takes responsability of his actions and come back for Bella. Hopefully nothing bad will happen before Edward comes to take Bella with him. If Edward does not come, I think that Bella is going to get over him, and finally be with someone that truly loves her. In the beggining Edward was the most romantic and caring person I've ever magined, but once he left it turned him into a rude and heartless person. maybe jacob will take advantage and try to gain Bella's heart. But the prediction that I hope it turnes into reality is the one that Edward regrets what he had done, and turn into reality Bella's dream (becoming a vampire).

Monday, October 12, 2015

A New Beggining


Bella is having a dream. She imagined herself as an old woman, she saw herself just as a grandmother. Edward started to aproach, that is when she realized that the old woman that was standing beside him was herself. A loud Happy Birthday! waked Bella up. She saw her father with a couple of presents even though she didn't want any. However, she did like the camera and the "scrapbook" in which she had to paste photos of people she loved. Just after Bella arrived to school, Edward did to. Pleasing her with a "Happy Birthday" and a kiss. When they were in class Edward
told Bella that humans had so many options in terms of suicide but his specie (vampires) didn't have many. He told her that when she was nearly killed by James, he went to provoke The Volturi (which is the most similar thing to a royal family but in in this case of vampires) because he couldn't live without her. After class Edawrd took Bella to his house because Alice had planned a special birthday party for her. First, she received a stereo for the truck Charlie had bought her when she arrived from Phoenix. However, when she was opening Edward's present she had a paper cut. Immediately by the smell of blood, Japer threw himself towards Bella but Edward threw her in the air and stopped Jasper just on time. Everyone but Carlisle were disorientated and kind of thirsty. Luckily for Bella, Carlisle already had experience smelling fresh blood so he healed Bella. While healing her, Carlisle told Bella the story of how he turned Edward into a vampire. It was a tragic story becuase Edward was seriously ill and his mother too, it was such an powerful illness that his mother died just after she told Carlisle to save Edward. Bella ended understanding how Edward felt about his soul. Right after Carlisle was finished curing Bella, Edward took her home. When they were in the room of Bella, he gave her his present. His present was something simple but with a huge meaning, he gave her a CD with her lullaby and other compositions. The next day, Edward told her that all of his family went away for a while. He was strange for a couple of days until he took Bella to a walk and "braked up with her". He said he had to go and that he didn't wanted her to come, that devastated Bella. She passed the following 4 months not caring about a thing, until one day Charlie was tired of Bella's attitude. He wanted to send Bella back home. That's when Bella and Jessica went to Port Angeles just to get away from all the problems, but just when they were heading to a McDonalds Bella saw some guys she recognized. As she reached them, she heard HIS voice.


"I promise that this wil be the last time you'll see me. I won't come back. I won't put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interference from me. It will be as if I'd never existed"(71)
 This quote really made me think who Edward is really. At first he was very caring, very gentle at speaking and treating people. And suddenly he makes a drastic turn and become a total rude person. What or who made him change his mind? Earlier in the book he protected and loved Bella with his heart and soul, and from one day to another he broke up with her. What's wrong with him? He might be inmortal and heartless, but Bella is human and she does suffer all the pain she is having now. 

"TIME PASSES. EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE. EVEN when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me."(93)
I can't believe how heartless Edward is right now. I mean he just left, leaving Bella all alone.......heartbreaked. Like I said before she didn't get over it soon, she took her time processing the new information that has had given to her. 4 months, 4 months is what it took Bella to recognize that time goes on even if we don't want it to. We  can't erase a heartbreaking memory, we can't back time. That is why we should hold on to the marvelous moments we have left to be happy.

Final Thoughts

I am really enjoying this book. It has lots and lots of moments in which I can identify myself like when someone leaves you. Not necesarily a boy but maybe a grandfather you really loved. I find it interesting how the author choses to express herself, instead of narrating the story herself, she uses Bella as the narrator. Also she uses a lot of dialogue between characters in which more details are revealed and the story is better to comprehend. Anyway, as the book continues its course I am looking forward to see what will happen to Bella because she was absolutely devastated by what Edward had said. I hope she holds on to a strong attitude toward this problem. I also hope that Edward think through what he has done.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Rough Start but A Happy Ending


Finally I reached the end of the book.
These final pages start after the dinner, when Juli didn't ignored Bryce anymore. Moving on, Bryce has been chosen as one of the top 20 "basket boys"which was an auction to raise money, but Bryce wasn't so exited about this because he had to bring a basket of food for the girl that wins him on the auction. Anyway, when Garrett knew about this he told Bryce that two of the most popular girls were gonna bid for him on the auction. So, on Friday of that same week, Bryce arrived at school with his "oversized picnic basket". He was kind of nervous about the auction because he thought it really was a "meat market". By the way Bryce was basket boy number 9. Later on when the auction finally started in was the turn on Jon Trulock(the boy that was before Bryce) but no one was bidding for him. Juli felt bad because she was the one that voted for him, so after a while Jon was sold to Juli Baker. That's when Bryce thinks that Juli doesn't care about him anymore. When it was the turn of Bryce, 2 girls were bidding for him, so he ended with the two of them. When all the "basket boys" had a date, they all went to the class multipurpose and had lunch. Bryce was with two of the most popular girls in the whole school and he couldn't stop looking at Juli. He couldn't stand seeing Juli laughing with Jon so he grabbed Juli by the hand and first he asked her if he liked Jon and then tried to kiss her, but she got to break free from him and when the final bell rang she ran home. Bryce got to admit that he does liked Juli. Bryce would't leave Juli alone, he would call he knocked the door all the time, he even climed the fence of her house just to knock on her window. But one day he went to Juli's house and dug a hole on her yard, then he placed a tree, a sycamore tree. Juli was shocked, but after she got time to realize that Bryce did change she wanted to talk to him and she knew she had to "meet him in a proper light"


"The old Bryce wanted to go back in time, wanted to hang with Garrett and short the breeze, wanted to hate Juli Baker again. wanted to be the man.
But in my heart i knew the old bryce was toast. There was no going back. Not to Garrett or Shelly or Miranda or any of the other people who wouldn't understand. juli was different, but after all these years thet didn't bother me anymore.
I liked it.
I liked her.
And every time I saw her, she seemed more beautiful."

I think that Juli made Bryce change, like he said she was different. She made him see people by who they are. Why did it took Bryce so long for admit that he liked Juli? Does he was afraid of what people would think about him? Me myself don't really take this amount of time to figure out what my feelings are.

"Then the basket boys came out of the stage. Bryce looked so adorable holding a picnic basket with red-and-white-checked napkins peeking out from either side, and the thought od Shelly Stalls flipping one of those napkings into her lao nearly made the bills in my pocket burst into flames."

Juli don't want anything to do with Bryce but she also don't want another girl to have lunch with him. Like Bryce, what is making Juli hesitate about her feelings? Why is she jealous? Maybe she still have feelings for him.

Final Thoughts:

I really, really liked this book. It explains  the two main characters points of view and show different perspectives of what happened. Once you start reading this book you can't stop reading it. My last prediction was right Juli and Bryce are starting their friendship all over again but this time withought lies. I stongly recommend this book to people who like to read, I really enjoyed reading this book very much.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Apologies and Regret


In these 42 pages didn't happened much.

Bryce doesn't know how to defend other people. I say this because Garrett told Bryce that the retarded uncle of Juli must give him a message from her. On the other hand, one Sunday morning Juli and her father went to visit David (Juli's uncle) at Greenheaven. Juli was a bit scared because she never met him and she didn't really know him. By the way Juli and her father went to Greenheaven because it was David's birthday. So, after they gave him his present all three of them went to get some ice-cream. Right then, when David's cone smashed into the table and into the floor, he had a meltdown. That's when Juli understood the situation of his uncle and wondered what else could have happened in the past. Anyway, when Juli and her father were arriving home, he apologized for "providing" so little to her and the family. When they finally arrived Trina announced that Patsy had invited them over to dinner Friday night. Days after that event, when Juli was at the library she overheard Bryce's and Garret's conversation. She heard them laughing at his uncle, which made her very angry. Anyway, the day of the dinner arrived. In the viewpoint of Bryce, he felt uncomfortable because Juli had told him she heard mocking his uncle, but still could not stop looking at her. In the view of Juli, she has every right to not go for all that Bryce has done to her, but she didn't say a word because her mother seemed so happy for the dinner. Surprisingly Bryce tried to apologize to her but she didn't let him at all, she also didn't wanted to talk at him too. But after having time to reflect, Juli felt like the "rude" one and SHE went and apologyzed to Bryce.


"A man appeared at the door. A man I would never have picked out as my father's brother. He was stock, with thick brown glasses, and his face looked puffy and pale. But he threw his arm around my father's chest and cried, "Woobbad! Yaw heew!"

I think that Robert is so grateful and careing for his brother. He sent him to Greenheaven, he made sacrifices only for him to be happy, and he made sure he was all right and comfortable. I think Juli is lucky to have such an amazing father, and I think David is very grateful to have a brother that cares this much about him.

"So I'm standing there, wishing I'd punched Garrett out in the library so Juli wouldn't stick me in the same class as someone who makes retard jokes."

I think that Bryce finally reflected on what he should've done instead of just keep it  to himself. He feels bad about what he had done, and he does apologyze but Juli does not forgive him. This is making Bryce regret everything he made.

Final Thoughts:

Well, in the next forty-two pages what happened was that Bryce and Garrett made fun of Juli's uncle, Juli gets to know David, the Bakers and the Loski's have dinner, Juli tells Bryce she is mad at him although he apologyzed. My prediction was right!!!! Juli finally wants nothing to do with Bryce but he keeps apologizing. I think that further in the book is that Juli forgave him and they start their friendship from the begining.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Lies Always Come to an End


Finally someone of the Loski's knew about the eggs. Bryce thought that his Granddad knew about the eggs because of the way he stared at him, and he thought he would say all the truth to the family. At last Grandfather didn't, but later he came into Bryce's room and Bryce ended telling him the truth. Granddad knew about the eggs because he was helping Juli with her yard and probably she told her about it. This is the reason why Bryce couldn't stop looking at the Baker's house, he couldn't stand seeing his own Grandfather talking and having fun with Juli Baker. Days passed and eventually Bryce felt very bad about what he had done, but he didn't know how to apologyze. It was very hard to Bryce to just walk to her and apologyze because Juli was still angry and she ignored him. At last, Bryce got to speak to Juli, he thought she finally forgave him, eventhough he didn't actually said "I'm sorry". That night the Loski's had a fight because they didn't like that Granddad helped Juli. Especially Rick (Bryce's dad) did not liked that Grandfather spend a lot of time with a "stranger" when he never spend time with his own grandson, that's when Grandfather tells Rick that the Baker's did not cleaned their garden because Mr. Baker had a retarded brother. He explained to all the family that he is retarded because of the lack of oxygen he had when he was born, if he had enough oxygen he would be just fine. Patsy (Bryce's mom) had a meltdown and she walked out of the room with Rick trying to calm her down, Bryce didn't knew what was happening. Granddad told him that HE could've been retarded too because he also had his "umbilical cord wraped aroud his neck", that's when Bryce thought that his father wouldn't had appreciate him because of what he had said about Juli's uncle. After all the drama Bryce and Granddad go for a walk. Bryce realized that he and Granddad connected thanks to Juli. One night when Bryce was looking at the newspaper Juli appeared on, he finally understood why Juli liked the sycamore tree so badly, and he couldn't stop looking at her. On Juli's point of view she never cared about where they lived until Bryce insulted her yard. This is why Juli decided to clean her yard. Later on Bryce's grandfather came over to Juli's house and for weeks they worked together on the yard. Juli told Chet (Granddad) about her uncle and about her rented house. Patsy eventually told the family that she was going to invite the Baker's for a "dress-up" dinner, everyone but Chet thinks is a bad idea. That same day Bryce told the truth to his mom and felt relieved. Also Bryce talks to Garret about Juli.


"They handymanned all week. And every night Granddad would come in with rosy cheeks and a huge appetite and compliment my mom on what a great cook she was. Then Saturday happened. And the last thing I wanted was to spend the day at home while my grandfather churned up dirt and helped plant Juli's yard."
It is ridiculous that Bryce criticize his Granddad and Juli because in first place he is the one that made Juli mad.  Me myself wouldn't have made someone mad if then I'm going to feel regret. Maybe he liked when Juli didn't leaved him alone. What is making Bryce to feel this way?

"I'd spent so many years avoiding Juli Baker that I'd never really looked at her, and now all of a sudden I couldn't stop. This weird feeling started taking over the pit of my stomach, and I didn't like it. Not one bit."
I think that now Bryce have time to process what he really thinks about Juli. At first when he saw Juli, he just wanted to run away from her, but know maybe he is starting to realize that he might like her. Why does he took so long to admit that he might like her?

Final Thoughts:

Well, in the next forty-two pages what happened is that Granddad knew about the eggs. Bryce didin't know how to apologyze to Juli but eventually he did. Rick was mad at Chet because he helped Juli. Chet told to the family that they didn't cleaned the yard because Mr. Baker has a retarded brother, Chet told Bryce he could have been retarded too. Patsy invite the Baker's for a "dress-up" dinner. My prediction is sort of right because Bryce had time to really look at Juli as a person and maybe he is starting to fell in love with her. What MIGHT happen further in the book is that Juli doesn't what nothing to do with Bryce, but he keeps trying.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Always Think Before You Act


Days after the sycamore tree was cut down, Juli's father made her a painting of the tree. So, when Juli could look at the painting without crying she "wondered if she still feelt the same thing about Bryce." On the other hand, while Bryce was at the garage of Skyler Brown with the Baker brothers, they showed him how a boa constictor swallowed an egg withought chewing. And "then the real nightmare began."Juli Baker started to bring eggs to Bryce because her chickens were laying eggs. The same chickens that she hatched for her science proyect, and of course she "dominated" the fifth grade science fair. Bryce was annoyed because of this. Anyway, Bryce ends up accepting the eggs, when he showed them to his mom she was happy to receive them, but when Bryce told her they were from Juli Baker her smile faded because she thought that if she opened one a dead chicken would fall. The Loski's argued for a good amount time because they wanted to know if the eggs were safe. So Bryce ask his friend Garret for help. Both of them ended spying over the Baker's backyard fence. Bryce got to see their backyard and he thought it was a complete mess. At dinner the Loski's  wondered if because of the mess at the backyard of the Baker's, the eggs could have salmonella. However, Juli brought eggs to Bryce for the next two years and he NEVER told her the truth... Until one morning after accepting the eggs, Bryce wanted to throw them away but the trash was full. So, he placed the carton on top of it and went to throw it away, but guess who did he found "thinking" on his porch, JULI. Sooner or later the lie is discovered, in this case not in a good way. Juli saw her eggs in the trash Bryce was holding. Finally Bryce told the truth to Juli, he told her that they were afraid of salmonella and Juli told him that other people like Mrs. Steuby were buying her eggs. On another point of view Juli's teacher gave her eight fertile eggs that she could hatch for the science fair but she wasn't anxious about this. At last she came up with charts and diagrams for her proyect and she got to keep the eggs. Time passed and her chickens laid eggs, people bought them and she would bring them to the Loski's, until she knew about the lie. Juli was heartbroken.


"The way she ignored me or so obiously avoided me was a screaming loud reminder to me that I'd been a jerk. A royal cluck-faced jerk."
Now the one that feels avoided and excluded is Bryce. I can say that he feels regret and wished that he wouldn't have done what he did. In my opinion people never appreciate something until they loose it. In this case Juli wanted to be his friend or maybe more than his friend, but he didn't, and when she is boiling mad and disappointed at him he is begining to value her friendship.

"My grandfather had already said more to her in this little slice of time than he'd said to me the whole year and a half he'd been living with us. What was his deal with Juli Baker?"
Bryce is definetely jealous. Why would he notice someone just like that? I think that the grandfather of Bryce thought that Juli was very special. Because not all girls appear in the newspaper because of a tree, not all girls know how to appreciate the beauty of life, not all girls make a person feel more alive, that is what Juli Baker did.

Final Thoughts:

So, in the next forty-two pages what happened was that Juli's father made her a painting of the sycamore tree she loved. Juli's chickens laid eggs and people bought them $2 the dozen, these chickens were the ones that Juli hatched for the science fair. Juli gave eggs to the Loski's for over two years, they didn't want them but they didn't say soto her. Eventually Bryce end up telling the truth to Juli and she leaves heartbroken. My prediction was right! Juli ended avoiding Bryce. Further in the book what might happen is that Bryce gets to know Juli a little more and falls in love with her.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Evading Juli Baker


It all started the summer before starting the second grade, Bryce Loski was moving into a new neighborhood. He didn't know that he was going to be facing more than half a lifetime trying to avoid a single girl,  Juli Baker. We can say that she was anxious for the arrival of Bryce because the second he arrived, she climbed into the truck where Bryce and his father were unpacking. Mr. Loski didn't want Juli to help them so he send Bryce to "help" his mother. Obiously Juli thought that Bryce was forced to go, so she wanted to grab his arm so they can keep playing for a little while. Then the most embarrasing thing happened, Bryce and Juli accidentally hold hands! Juli thought that Bryce was going to kiss her but Bryce just wanted  her to give him some SPACE. By fifth grade Juli knew how to control herself, but Bryce still wanted to give her the message that she wasn't his type, consequently Bryce asks Shelly Stalls out. This plan was perfect because Julie HATED Shelly Stalls. However, thanks to Garret (Bryce best friend) who knew everything,  Shelly soon discovered Bryce's true intentions were, therefore,  Shelly dumped him. Juli  heard about it and began to look at Bryce with the "goo-goo" eyes again but this time she also sniffed his hair. The biggest change in the life of Bryce was when his grandfather moved with them when Bryce was in seventh grade. Also, by these dates Juli appeared in The Mayfield Times because she wouldn't come down a sycamore tree, she loved that tree very much and she wouldn't come down because they were going to cut it down. Grandfather got to read the newspaper and he thought that Juli was a special little girl, but eventually they had to cut the tree. Unfortunately the tree was right next to the bus stop so Juli did not want to go by bus to school because she didn't want to go through that tree that for her was the most special tree in the whole world. When Juli didn't thought about the sycamore tree, she went outside and made his father company while he painted, that is when Juli learned that she had to look to the whole landscape to know if they where more or less than the sum of it's parts.


"She didn't just barge into my life. She barged and shoved and wedged her way into my life. Did we invite her to get into our moving van and start climbing all over boxes? No! But that's exactly what she did, taking over and showing off like only Juli Baker can."

I think that Bryce was exaggerating about the whole Juli Baker thing because it seemed like she only wants to be friends with him. Maybe Juli didn't have much friends and she was exited when Bryce moved in...when she saw Bryce maybe she saw it as an opportunity to make a new friend, so instead of proving herself nice and everything she demonstrated quite the opposite. For me it was a little bit rude the way Bryce is describing the attitude of Juli. Well, I can tell that Juli is a bit annoying, I never in my life would just brake into someone's van and start just moving stuff around, but maybe that is how Juli interact with other kids. Does Bryce really need to be this rude? Does he know if Juli had a harsh past?

"A painting is more than the sum of his parts, he would tell me, and then go on to explain how the cow by itself is just a cow, and the meadow by itself is just grass and flowers, and the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light, but put them all together and you've got magic."

This quote certainly paint us a picture in our minds about what is happening in our surroundings, it also paints a espectacular landscape of a meadow that has the magic of a cow, grass and flowers, and even a beam of sunlight portrayed in someone's imagination. For example, you are on the beach and you're lucky to admire the beauty of a sunset with the sound of the sea, the palm leaves that touch the breeze, also to feel the peace that is just listening to silence. I wonder if the father of Juli is just saying this to her only to make her realize the real person Juli is falling in love with.

Final Thoughts

So in this first forty-two pages what happened was that Bryce Loski and his family moved into the neighborhood where Juli Baker lived. Juli immediately fell in love with Bryce but he just wanted her to back off. Therefore, these chapters are all about avoidance and "social discomfort". Anyway after reading this first forty-two pages I can say that in the following chapters what will happen is that eventually Bryce will give up trying to evade Juli, so he finally try to make friends with her. Of course my prediction may be wrong because Juli is a very intense little girl. However, what may happen also can be that Juli gets tired of being evaded and now she is the one that ignores Bryce Loski. Will Bryce feel excluded? or Will he feel happy that Juli at last left him alone?